Chapter 27 - Did you kissed her?

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While making this damn guy my personal driver, I am still pondering about Kong and Apple

It keeps on bugging me if they used to be lovers..  did they kiss? how did they became siblings?

"P'Arthit sorry were on traffic jam, P what's wrong? are you still dissatisfied? you can ask me anything?  after saying that he shoot me his killer smile damn it my heart keep on thumping like crazy


"Kong, Apple and you became lovers in the past right?"

"Yes and?"

"Kong did you kissed her?" After saying that I feel like my whole face is red as tomato shit why did I ask him that?! look at him now he grin at me

And now he smirked at me oh my god! Can someone help me to dig a hole so I can throw myself in the pit and let myself be burried in embarrassment

I know what he is thinking! I know I love him but I am not jealous! I am not because it happen way long ago but the way he smiles creeps me

"Are you done with your self talking that you are not jealous? because you are P you keep on pondering about that so do me a favor and I will answer your million dollar question"

"What is your favor Kongpope?"

"Say Yes first P'Arthit"

"Why should I? your acting creepy! I wont say that because what if your making things too fast for us! Your not even my boyfriend Mr!"

"So you dont trust me P?" shit! Kong pout at me and its way too cute I want to say yes but I dont want to rush things to us

I want to learn more things about him before I married him

"If I say Yes your not going to ask me to marry you?"

"No, not yet P! I need to win your parents favor , Introduce you to my family and have many dates with you as my boyfriend before I ask you into marriage with me as of now we are not label and your currently madly jealous about me and my sister and I am starting to dwell in our past incest relationship"


"Say Yes na P?"

"Fine Yes Kongpope"

"Thank you P'Arthit"

It startled me when he take a U turn and find ourselves in front of my parents house

He dragged me inside our house and to my surprise


"i'm glad your already here son" My Mae hugged and kissed Kongpope cheek and he beamed in happiness while dad ask us to sit down

Dont tell me next time I will hear that their true son is Kongpope and not me?! because even how much I tried to beg them to treat Apple like a family they never did not even once even when we meet Apple long relatives my parents seems to be a forced because they never smile they never suggest and the only thing they reply is "YES"

Now this guy barged in and they spoiled him more than they do to me


"Kongpope when are you going to court my Arthit? I want you to be my son in law" My mae suggested like I am not existing wow Mae you really like Kongpope to this extent?

"I am starting now Mae, Por... Before I start in officially I want to apologize for my sister and what I did to P'Arthit... I am blinded with my love for him decided to make him mine and became a coward to set him free when I ask everyone help how to snatch his heart...  I failed you so much I am sorry" Kongpope apologized to my parents so my parents really doted him for me

My Mae immediately replied "Son this is the reason why I really liked you, your very straightforward to your inner thoughts no doubt your the suitable one for our son treasure him and dont let him go"

"I will not Mae"

This time my por butt in "Son when you and Arthit have a problem dont hesitate to ask help from us okay?"

"We will Thank you por!"

Then this time my parents attention diverted to me "Arthit when will you accept Kongpope as your boyfriend?"

"He never ask me yet"

"Ask him now Kongpope!"

"No I dont want to rush him, I want to convince his heart first that he really belongs to me so from now on I officially started to court your heart until you agreed to be mine My Muse"

My cheeks heated so much My heart wanted to leave my chest ...this insolent brat his making things more creepier for me to understand

Before he bid his farewell to me, he remembered something and he sending me his killer smile

"To answer your million dollar question, I never kissed her to her lips but to her cheeks we did countless of times.. because her lips was not seductive as yours"

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