Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

-;- Sam's POV -;-

     His lips met mine, moving in perfect sync. My arms found their way around his neck and my fingers played in his wet curls. His kiss was soft, and loving. The kiss broke on its own, we didn't let go of each other. Our foreheads were pressed together and we stared deeply in each others eyes.

     We were both soaking wet from the pool, so my shirt was sticking to his skin. I smiled sheepishly at Harry, and he returned it. 

"Sam, Harry din- What the hell is going on?!" Jimmy shouted, his face red with anger. I quickly jumped back from Harry, my face flustered. "I'm gabber-flasted!" 

"Jim, it's Flabber-gasted..." I corrected him. He glared at me. 

"What the fuck were you two doing?" he asked. 

"What does it look like?" Harry answered sarcastically. 

"You" he pointed at Harry, "and you" he pointed at me, "you guys.. k-kissed." he stuttered. Harry and I nodded and Jimmy just sighed. 

"Way to go Sam!" Jen cheered running over. I looked at her confused. "I saw you from the window" she winked. I threw my head back and moaned. 

"Get it gurl!" Sara called with sassy attitude. 

"Sam, get off of him! That is my man!" Brian yelled snapping his fingers. 

"Harry! The fuck?! What the hell goes on in this house?" Sean roared. I face palmed myself. Why does my family have to be so embarrassing? 

"You're in big trouble mister." Sara told Harry, wiggling her finger in front of his face. He laughed, causing everyone else to laugh. 

"Can we just go eat dinner now?" I groaned. Everybody nodded and we walked inside to eat. 

-;- 2 hours later -;-

"Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love" Harry sang.

"Harry you're amazing!" I cheered, giving him a big hug. 

"Thanks Sam." he smiled and blushed. 

"You should try out for Idol or Britain's Got Talent!" I explained jumping in my seat. 

"I tell him that every day." Jimmy sighed. "He doesn't listen. He says he's not good enough." 

I looked at Harry in shock. 

"Harry you're amazing, don't put yourself down like that." I said looking him straight in the eyes. He shook his head.

"I'm not good enough for those shows." he sighed. I looked around the room, no one was there. I got up and sat next to Harry on the couch. 

"Haz, shut up. You're better than most famous singers now." I spoke. His eyes darted around the room. "Harry, look at me." I said tilting his face to look at me. "One day, you're going to become famous. You'll be living life as a singer, and girls will throw themselves at you. I promise you that, Haz." 

"You're the best Sam." he smiled. 

"Promise me something?" I asked. 


"You won't forget about me?" 

Little did I know, he would. And little did he know, we would meet again.

"I couldn't even if I tried." he smiled. I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "You kinda missed." I looked at him confused. He pointed to his lips and I leaned in a kissed his lips. 

"Better?" I asked. He nodded and kissed me again, then pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Sam, you're family's leaving." Sean said as he walked through the door. I sighed and nodded. I don't want to leave. I want to stay with Harry forever. He makes me feel beautiful and perfect. His smile makes me smile too. His voice gives me chills. His kiss, I feel like I can't live without it. I can't leave Harry. I rarely come to see my cousins, since they live an hour away. I'll have to talk my family into driving here more often. 

"I don't want you to leave. We probably will like never see each other." Harry sighed. 

"I'm going to try to get my family to come down here as much as possible." I smiled. "At least for the summer. We never come down during school." 

"As long as I get to see you before school starts, I'm happy." 

"Text me?" I asked as I began to walk away.

"Every day until I die." he laughed. 

"You better." I giggled. "Bye Harry. See you soon?" He nodded and I walked outside to find my family. We strolled to our car and I slipped into the back seat, putting in my headphones and drowning out my annoying family. I was dozing off when I got a text. 

From: Haz

I miss you already </3 Come bacckkkkk! :(

To: Haz

I miss you more </3 I'll be back as soon as possible Haz. I promise. Me, you and summer 2009. xx

From: Haz

Deal. Summer 2009 together forever xx Goodnight beautiful :)

To: Haz

Night handsome ;) xx

With that, I fell asleep. 

-;- April 11, 2010 -;-

My phone woke me up from a beautiful sleep. I groaned and looked at the caller ID. Harry. 

"Hazza!" I squealed. I heard him chuckle. "What's up?" 

"I kinda have to tell you something..." he trailed off.

"What's wrong? Did someone die? Did you die? Are you kidnapped? Raped? Murdered? In the hospital?" I threw ideas at him and he laughed.

"No, Sam. I'm not hurt. I wanted to tell you something..." 

"That is...?" 

"You know that show x-factor?" 

"Yeah. What about... No way Harry! You're trying out?!" I screamed into the phone. 

"Yes! I'm so nervous, I wish you were here!" 

"Me too! But you'll make it, I promised you will a while back. I know you will make it. And you'll become famous...." I stopped. 

"What's wrong?" 

"And then you'll forget about me..." I mumbled. 

"Number 165998, you're next." I heard a woman's voice say. 

"Sam, I gotta go. I'll call you afterward" he said quickly. "Oh and Sam?"


"I wont forget about you. Wish me luck!" 

And with that he was gone. Auditioning for X-Factor. Becoming famous. 

Forgetting about me....

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