Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

-;-Sam's POV-;-


I reluctantly pulled my lips away from Harry's and turned my head to the group of people. All with their phones and cameras out, videoing us.

"Why do you guys always seem to be living in some cheesy love story?" Zayn laughed. I shrugged and giggled.

"You two are the cutest thing EVER!" Jen cried, wiping her tears away.

"Eh, how long have you guys been watching?" Harry asked, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Since you left, we followed you." Louis answered with a wink.

"So.. you got that all on tape?" I questioned, referring to the electronics. They nodded and then my phone buzzed.


Real_Liam_Payne: @Harry_Styles and @Sam_Oxx are the cutest couple on earth. xx

Louis_Tomlinson: @Sam_Oxx stole @Harry_Styles from me! :( Boobear, how could you?

NiallOfficial: Watched the cheesiest romance movie, if you know what I mean ;)

zaynmalik: @Harry_Styles and @Sam_Oxx are living in a love story! Too cute xx

My mentions were blowing up like crazy. Fans were going crazy, mostly One Direction fans threatening me to stay away from Harry or else, but they didn't bother me. Then my fans were telling me how cute we were together. I smiled at my phone and let out a soft giggle.

Harry_Styles: I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows! @Sam_Oxx

Harry was quoting elf. It was our movie. We watched it together on Christmas Eve, we just call it our movie now.

"Really Haz?" I asked giggling. He nodded and smiled. I looked up from my phone and stared at the group of people. I looked even closer and saw that Niall and Sara were holding hands. I knew he would fall for her. I'm good at playing matchmaker, I should do it more often.

"What time are we leaving?" Sara asked.

"WE?!" I exclaimed pointing at Sara. She jumped back and her eyes widened.

"Well Niall asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes and now he wants me to come on tour with you guys so now me and you will spend a whole six months together!" she squealed. I immediately ran up to her and squeezed the life out of her. We both screamed and jumped around, talking about what we could do together, while the others stood there amused. 

"You don't have clothes with you." I pointed out. 

"We have to drive past her house to get to the airport, so we can let her pack." Niall chirped. He had a huge smile on his face, and his eyes were lit up. 

"So when did this happen?" I asked, gesturing to the two love birds. 

"Before dinner." Sara blushed. Niall grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. 

"AWWWWH" I coo'd. They are so freaking cute together. This time they both blushed. 

"You never answered me, when are we leaving?" Sara questioned quickly changing topics. 

"Half hour." Liam answered. "But the limo will be here in 15 minutes." he added. 

"Do you guys want to finish watching the movie?" Louis asked. 

"NO!" Jimmy protested. Louis and I fell to the ground and laughed so hard, while the others just stared at me confused. 

"I don't get it." Jen said. 

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