Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter 25

-;-Sam's POV-;-

"You know what I never noticed before?" I asked Harry.

"What's that?" he answered. 

"You're eyes change color when you look at me."

"What do you mean?" 

"When you look at me, they're so green and pretty. But when you look at something else they turn blue." I said cocking my head. 

"That's weird because yours change too." he chuckled. 

"How so?" 

"When you talk to me, they're a light, crystal clear blue. Any other time they're dark and mysterious."

"Weird." I said biting my lip.

"Stop doing that, you'll ruin your lips." Harry scolded. I laughed and took a sip of my coffee. "Why did you dye your hair?" 

"I didn't like my blonde hair, so I went for brown. It makes my eyes stand out." I answered honestly. 

"You changed a lot over the years, Sam." he sighed. 

"I'm still the same Sam, I just look different. I'm prettier." I looked down at my drink. "I'm better." I muttered. 

Harry stopped walking and stared at me. His eyes piercing through my face. 

"When will you realize that you were just as beautiful then than you are now?" 

"I was not!" I protested. "I was fat, ugly, with a bad attitude. No one liked me." 

"But now you changed, just so you could fit in. Right?" he asked harshly. I nodded. He let out a scoff. 

"Problem?" I questioned though gritted teeth. 

"Why are you trying to fit in, when you're destined to stand out?" he asked softly. I looked into his pale green eyes and shook my head. By now we had drawn a small crowd, most fans recognizing Harry. 

He let out a small laugh. "I still remember the day I saw you. I thought, 'Wow, she's beautiful. Perfect even.' But when you look at it now, you're not perfect. Perfect is boring. If anything, you're weird, sarcastic, stubborn, annoying sometimes, but definitely not perfect. So stop trying to be a perfect girl, stop trying to fit in with the crowd Sam. You're meant to stand out." 

I turned abruptly and pushed my way through the crowd. 

Why does he always do this to me? He makes me feel bad. It's almost like he's putting me down, yet he's complimenting me to accomplish it. I want to be perfect! I want to fit in! I don't want the attention, that's not who I am. By fitting in, I feel pretty and perfect. That's all I've wanted to be. 


I made my way over to the railing that over-looked the bay. The sun was shining down, reflecting on the clear, blue water. I slowly climbed my way up the small fence, standing  myself on the top. 

"Sam! What the hell are you doing?!" Harry shouted, running to me. 

"You want me to stand out? What other way than to jump into the bay?" I asked, hastily wiping the tears that managed to fall freely down my face. 

"That's not what I meant!" 

"Than what did you mean, Harry? You want me to get fat and ugly again? Go back to being depressed and unhappy? Don't you get it Harry? I want to be perfect! I always have! I'm not meant to stand out. All I want is to fit in..." I cried. And with that I jumped into the bay. 

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