Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28

-;-Sam's POV-;-

"Since when did our lives turn into 'The Hangover'?" I questioned to know one in particular. That earned a glare from everyone. 

"Why the hell is your hair blue, pink and brown? It looks like cotton candy." Danielle snickered. 

"I have no idea." I groaned and quickly threw my hair up into a messy, high bun. 

We were currently walking around Times Square. We all look like a train wreck, earning stares from people. We had to buy sunglasses, to hide our faces so we couldn't be recognized. 

"Where are we supposed to go? New York City is huge! I don't even know where to start looking fo him!" Sara exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. 

"Maybe we should start at the club, see if anyone can tell us what happened.." Louis suggested. Everybody turned and stared at him. "What?"

"That was the smartest thing you've ever said." Liam answered. 

"CARROTS!" Louis screamed. 

"Well, it was nice while it lasted." Liam muttered under his breath. "The club is around the corner, let's go." 

We walked about 5 minutes, finally reaching the club. Well, what used to be a club. It was destroyed, charred and all black. I spotted a woman, about 25 years old, I walked up to her.

"What happened here?" I asked her. She looked at me. 

"A couple of teenagers crashed the club. One of them had a lighter, set some Vodka on fire. The place went up in flames." she replied, shaking her head dissaprovingly. 

"Ah." I sighed. "Does anyone know who the people are?" 

"No, the club was too dark to tell. People were saying they had hoodies on when it happened." she recalled. I nodded. "I heard those same kids broke into a Jewelry store on West Broadway. Stole 4 rings and a necklace. You'd think they would be getting married or something." she laughed and I chuckled nervously. 

"Yeah, probably." I said hiding my left hand behind my back. "Did anything else happen?" 

"Not that I know of. What happened to you?" she asked, gesturing to my ripped attire. 

"I party'd too hard." I replied sheepishly. I lifted my left hand and ran it through my hair. 

"Nice rock. Aren't you a little too young to be married?" she questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. Then it hit her. "You're one of them! Police!" she screamed. I quickly turned on my heel and ran away, grabbing everyone on my way out. 

"She found out!" I called as I ran ahead of everyone, dodging inncoent bystanders.

"How?" Niall asked, throwing his arms up. 

"She saw the ring. C'mon, through there!" I shouted pointing to a hole in the side of a abandoned cinema. Once we all climbed in, we collapsed on the floor. 

"I still can't believe we're married." Harry panted, flipping his curls. 

"What the fuck did we drink last night?" Sara groaned. 

"You didn't drink anything bad, you came to me for drugs." a voice answered. 

"Excuse me?" Danielle asked. 

"You kids ran in here, drunk off your asses. Asking me for drugs to make ya'll have more fun." a man said, stepping out of the shadows. "Gave me $500 to keep my mouth shut." 

"Drugs?! No, no, no. I've never done drugs in my life." Liam panicked, rubbing his face. 

"Last night you did. And another one, black haired muscular one. Where is that rascal? He took a lot, I'm surprised." the man chuckled. 

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