Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26

-;-Sam's POV-;-

"You're so hypnotizing. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel?Your touch magnetizingFeels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing."

Katy Perry's song E.T, blasted through the speakers, flooding through the arena. Followed by thousands of ear piercing screams, chanting, and cheering. 

I looked to my right and saw Danielle dancing with me in sync. She shot me a smile and I returned it. We quickly moved from hip hop into hardcore dubstep. 


The song ended and we posed. The crowd cheered and sent another round of deafening screams. 

"Thank you so much!" I screamed into the microphone. "Now please give it up for One Direction!" I quickly covered my ears for the round of screams that would come next. I felt them being taken away and I turned and faced my beautiful boyfriend. 

"You did great." he smiled. 

"Thanks babe." I said and pecked his lips and grabbed Danielle. We waved once more then ran off the stage. 

Yes, Danielle Peazer. Liam finally introduced me to her about a month ago and now Sara, Danielle and I are best friends. Danielle is dancing with me now, as well as staying with us. It's so nice having another girl in the house and I've never seen Liam so happy. 

3 months have passed, and those 3 months have been some of the best times ever. We've been to so many places and done so many things. We went skydiving, scuba diving, swimming with dolphins, bridge jumping, and plenty of site seeing. Somehow the boys managed to get us a helicopter ride over 'The Grand Canyon'. 

Tour is over in 2 months, then I'm finally able to go home and see my family again. Not for long because Sara and I bought our own flat in London, around the corner from the boys'. We're both attending the same college next year. I'm majoring in dance and she's majoring in fashion and acting.

Sara got offered a modeling job, so now she models for big companies. They offered me a job too, but I declined. I'd rather dance than model. Sara on the other hand, went crazy. She starts as soon as we get home. 

But Danielle helped me out and now we're going to dance on X-Factor together. 

When Sara went to some meeting about modeling, she met a girl. Her name is Eleanor Calder, or Louis' girlfriend, whatever floats your boat. Her and Sara will be modeling together as soon as we get to London. 

Zayn met a girl as well. Her name is Perrie Edwards. She's a singer for some group called 'Little Mix'. I've only met her once or twice, but from what I know she's perfect for Zaynie poo. 

So now the once single boy-band, One Direction, is now taken. And I'm glad to say I'm in love with 1/5 of them. Harry and I have never been better. We're always out on dates, or having movie night. He makes me the happiest girl on earth. 

Niall and Sara are the cutest thing to ever walk this planet. It's just that Niall is so cute, like a little puppy and Sara is the same. Put them together and you just want to cry because of their cuteness. They're so alike in so many ways, for example; their eating habits. They both wake up at 4 in the morning and have a snack or cook a whole pizza. 

The boys' management wants me to be opening act next concert as well. Turns out, I had many fans just come for me. They decided that it helped with the profits and they want to do the same thing in 2013. Also, my dance studio opened a new studio in London, so I'll be dancing and teaching classes there. 

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