Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

-;- Sam's POV -;-

     No one ever keeps a promise. 

     Harry did call me back, he made it. I watched him on X-Factor, being put into a group, making it to semi-finals. Losing with 3rd place. Being devastated. Talking to him on the phone all night that day. Wishing I was with him, in his arms. That was the last time I talked to him though. 

That's right. He forgot about me. 

Never texted, called or emailed. I was left in the dust. 

Harry Styles part of One Direction. The cheeky flirt. His face was on every magazine. Every website. Everywhere I looked I saw his face. Seeing his relationships with all these perfect models. Skinny and beautiful. 

It's been 2 years since I've spoke to him. Now he's famous, girls throw themselves at him left and right. He parties and lives his dream, touring the world. While I'm left here in England, alone. 

It's now 2012. I'm 17, in my last year of High School. I've ditched my disgusting body after seeing all the models Harry's been with. I'm finally the girl I've always wanted to be. I'm skinny and fit. My acne face has cleared, and my average teeth are now white and straight. My hair is now long and I dyed it brown. I'm on my Dancing Center's Hip Hop Dance Team. Best in the class. Well back to reality now. --

I grabbed a pair of Soffee shorts, and put sweatpants on over them. I put on a sports bra and a baggy, sleeveless t-shirt. Dance sneakers were slipped on next. Yep, I'm off to dance class. My favorite place to escape drama. With dancing I can exert out all my energy and feelings. I believe I'm the best only because of Harry forgetting about me. I let all my feelings out about him while I'm dancing. 

"Bye Mum! I'm leaving!" I shouted as I grabbed my keys off the counter. 

"Have fun! Drive safe!" she called back. With that I hopped into my car and drove to my dance studio. I walked through the front doors and was greeted by Jackie, the owner of the studio. 

"Hey Sam, can I have a word with you?" she kindly asked. 

"Yeah sure. What's up?" I questioned. A huge smile formed on her face. 

"We've recently been recording you dancing, when you're hear alone. You're an amazing dancer Sam, and we've sent your videos in to a special management." she started. I nodded my head, telling her to continue. "Well the management loved you!" she cheered. 

"Well that's great! But what happens now?" I asked curiously, but extremely happy. 

"He signed you to be a background dancer for a band. A very famous one at that!" she squealed. I began to jump and cheer. 

"Oh my god! Thank you Jackie! What band?" 

"It's no problem and One Direction." My face fell. It's amazing how one thing can change your mood completely. "Something wrong?" she asked. I shook my head and gave her a fake smile. "You're parents already know about this, and we'll be having a meeting with the band tomorrow at 12." she finished. I gave her a hug and walked into the dance room, where everyone was waiting for me. 

"Congratulations Sam!" They all cheered. I smiled and gave them all a hug. 

"Thanks guys!" I said happily. We started to do our dance routine, but all that was running through my mind was Harry.

What was he going to say when he sees me? Wait, he doesn't even remember me. What do I care what he thinks anyway? He forgot about me. 

"Sam, you okay?" Bella asked concerned. 

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