Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

-;-Sam's POV-;-

I woke up and felt a pang of guilt. 

I shouldn't have yelled at Niall. I feel so bad. 

What's the one way to his heart? ... Food. I'll make the leprechaun some breakfast. 

I slid out of Harry's grip and threw my hair into a messy bun. I skipped to the kitchen and looked at the microwave clock. 7:30, no one will be up for at least 20 minutes. 

I pulled out some bacon from the fridge, eggs, and waffle mix. I quickly made the waffles and put a scoop of ice cream on top. Then I made the bacon and put it on a separate plate with the eggs. I found some potatoes and decided to add some hash browns. I finished about 30 minutes later and everyone was still asleep. I put the plates on the counter and sure enough the smell woke Niall up.

"What smells good?" Niall asked rubbing his eyes. 

"I made you breakfast. I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was just protecting Sara, she's like my other half and she's always been there for me. I felt like it was my turn to be in charge and help. I didn't mean anything I said Niall. I'm really sorry." I sighed. 

"It's okay Sam, I deserved it." he replied, then pulled me into a hug. "I forgive you." he smiled. 

"Good, now eat before everyone steals your food." I smiled back. He began to scarf down the food. 

"Can you like live with us forever, because your cooking is to die for." he said with a mouth full of waffle. 

"Well thank you Nialler." 

"You made breakfast?" a groggy voice asked. I turned and saw Liam leaning against the counter. 

"I made Niall breakfast." I corrected him. 

"Why not me?" Liam pouted. 

"I didn't yell at you last night and call you a jerk, now cooking for your forgiveness. I did it for Niall." 

"Niall always gets the good stuff." Liam sighed, then Niall let out a loud laugh. I looked back over to the stove and saw a piece of bacon. 

"Oh Liam darling." I said sweetly. 

"What?" he spat. 

"Well, give me that attitude and no bacon." I scoffed.

"I'm sorry Sam. You're the best." he cheered, snatching the bacon out of my hand. He sat next to Niall, constantly attempting to steal food. We all sat there talking for a little bit. 

"So Sam, what do you think about Louis?" Niall asked suddenly. 

"He's my twin. I love him to death." I answered truthfully. "But he has been acting weird lately." I added. 

"You don't know why?" Liam questioned. 

"No, why?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He likes you." Liam chirped, successfully stealing some hash brown. I coughed on my orange juice and Liam patted my back. 

"He likes me?" I finally said when I finished choking. 

"Duh. He's liked you since he saw you in that conference room." Niall laughed. 

"How do you know? Did he tell you?" I questioned. 

"Only a thousand times." Liam chuckled. 

Louis likes me? Well that would explain the constant mumbling when I'm around. And how he's always glued to my hip. 

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