Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

-;-Sam's POV-;-


What the hell was that? 


The fuck?


I finally opened my eyes and stared at my surroundings. One Direction sleeping in my basement. Did I miss something? I tried to move but I was held tightly in place by to very muscular arms. I turned my head and saw Harry Styles spooning me. What the hell is going on?! Then it all started coming back to me, I'm going on tour with One Direction, Harry and I are friends again... well a little more than friends, considering we've kissed more than once yesterday. 

I tried to wiggle out of his tight grip, but he just squeezed harder. A small smirk appeared on his face, that little bastard is awake! 

"Harrehhhh, let me go." I whispered, making sure not to wake the others. 

"Nah, you're my cuddle buddy." he said back, eyes still closed but now a full blown smile was playing on his face. 

"I need to get ready, my family's coming over remember?" I asked. His eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by the most gorgeous eyes on earth. 

"I can get used to this." he smiled. 

"Get used to what?" 

"Waking up to you in my arms." he winked. 

"You're such a flirt Styles. Now let me go." He shook his head.

"Not until you do something for me." he answered. 

"And what's that?" I sighed. 

"Kiss me." Simple but effective. I pressed my lips against his softly, his grip on me weakened and I slipped out. 

"Ha!" I laughed and stared at the confused boy. 

"That's not fair!" he yelled. 

"Haz shut up! You'll wake them up!" I whisper-yelled. He shrugged and sat up. He held out his arms and pouted, giving me the cutest little puppy dog eyes. I couldn't take it, I crashed into him. He wrapped me up like a baby and smashed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, Harry followed my action. I pulled away and pressed my forehead to his. "Oh Harry, how I missed you." I giggled and pecked his lips one more time before crawling off his lap. 

"Where are you going?" he questioned. 

"Make breakfast for you lot, then get ready for my family. Oh and pack the last of my things." I replied, and with that I shuffled up the stairs. I heard footsteps follow me to the kitchen, then a pair of arms snaked around my waist. 

"I'll help." Harry groggily whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I smirked to myself and whipped out some ingredients to make waffles. 

"Can you get the bacon out of the fridge, it should be in the bottom drawer." I asked. He walked to the fridge and pulled out 3 packets of bacon. I tried to take it from him,  but he moved it out of my reach. Damn my shortness. 

"You know the drill." he smirked. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him gently on the lips. I pulled away and took the bacon. 

"I feel like I'm playing house. I'm the wife, you're the husband, and the boys are our sons. Except for Zayn, he's the daughter." I winked and Harry laughed. 

"Niall's the dog, because he eats like one." Harry added. 

"Harry that's mean! Go to timeout!" I scolded, pointing to the corner of the kitchen. 

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