Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

-;-Sam's POV-;-

"!" I counted off, then we began dancing across the wooden floor. I watched myself move around in the mirror, singing the song as I swiftly moved. 

"Explain to me why your a background dancer? You should be front and center." Sara giggled. I smiled at her as I kept moving to the music. Sweat dripping down my face, but I didn't care I was doing what I loved. Finally the song came to an end and I turned to face the rest of the boys. They were panting and covered in sweat. 

"How?" Ryan asked breathlessly. 

"How what?" I answered.

"How do you dance so amazing? It's like you're not even trying!" he exclaimed. I just shrugged and took a swig of my water bottle. 

"You guys are really talented yourselves. I don't get why I'm getting the attention." I smiled. They blushed and collapsed onto the floor. 

"I'm going out for food, you guys want something?" Sara questioned. I nodded. 

"I'll come with you, let me clean up a bit." I replied, running off to the back changing room. 

I quickly washed the sweat off my body and applied some foundation and eyeliner. I put on deodorant and lots of perfume. I put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and put my sunglasses over my eyes. I walked back out to Sara. 

"We walking?" I asked her. She nodded and we waved to the 4 boys before making our way outside. The cool Californian breeze hit us and I instantly relaxed. 

"So how are you and Nick?" she questioned, slipping her sunglasses over her eyes. 

"Haven't talked to him yet. Not planning on it either." I answered truthfully. "How are things with you and Niall-kinz?" 

"Perfect. He makes me so happy. I really never expected to be with him, but I guess that's the price I pay for having a famous cousin." she laughed nudging my ribs.

"I'm not that famous!" I whined. She just laughed and shrugged. 

"You're the one with over a million followers on twitter and billions of views on your dance videos. Oh and the one who's dating Harry Styles and is One Direction's background dancer." she scoffed. 

"Whatever" I huffed. "What are you getting to eat?" 

-;-Sara's POV-;-

Sam and I walked the streets of L.A for about an hour. 

"Shit, I have to get back there." Sam exclaimed. I nodded and she hurried back to the studio for rehearsals. I turned around and bumped into something hard. 

"Oh god, I'm sorry." I said. I looked up at the person I bumped into. "Zayn?" 

"Oh hey Sara. What are you doing out here?" he asked removing his hood and shades. 

"Lunch and you?" 

"Just wanted to go for a little walk. I needed fresh air, I've been inside rehearsing all day." he answered. 

"Oh, well do you want to get lunch?" I questioned. 

"That'd be lovely." he smiled. Just then we were mobbed by camera flashes and screaming people. 

"Zayn is this your girlfriend?" 

"Who are you miss?" 

"Zayn is it true that you got her pregnant?" PREGNANT?! What the fuck are they thinking? I'm not that fat am I? I thought looking down at my thighs. Nope, still skinny. 

"What's this lovely ladie's name?" 

"Sara is it true you're dating Niall Horan?" 

"Are you cheating on Niall with Zayn?" 

I felt a warm hand cover mine and drag me down the street. The paparazzi still shouting questions. We stopped out front of Starbucks and went inside. 

"I'm sorry about that." Zayn spoke, squeezing my hand. 

"It's okay. I'll get used to it at some point." I shrugged and pulled my hand from Zayn's. It didn't feel right, it should be Niall's hand not Zayn's. 

"What do you want to drink?" he asked. 

"Uh, Oreo Frappachino." I smiled gratefully and searched my pockets for my money. Zayn stopped me.

"It's on me." he smiled and paid for our drinks. 

"Thanks Zayn." 

-;-Niall's POV-;-

"Dude, where's Zayn?" Harry asked Louis, running his hand through his curls. Louis shrugged. Just then Zayn burst through the door, Sara following behind. 

"Sorry guys, Sara and I went to Starbucks." Zayn spoke. 

"Why?" I asked too soon. Sara shot me a look of anger mixed with confusion. 

"We bumped into each other and decided to go get coffee." Zayn answered. I nodded and we continued rehearsing. 

"Guys stop at Wawa, I want a milkshake!" I yelled. The car came to a halt and I jumped out. I went inside and bought a milkshake, but on my way out something caught my eye. 

Sara was on the front cover of a magazine.

Holding hands and looking all lovey with Zayn.

I quickly scanned the words next to the picture. 

"Zayn Malik's new girlfriend? The couple were seen on a lunch date earlier today at a local Starbucks in Los Angeles. Sara McChesney, also known as Niall Horan's girlfriend, was caught red handed. What's going to happen to Niall?" 

I stopped reading. I was shocked. I didn't think Sara would ever do something like this. I stormed out of the store and hopped into the car. 

"Niall, what's wrong?" Zayn asked. I ignored him. 

"Niall, babe, what happened?" Sara questioned, putting her hand on my shoulder. I quickly pushed it off and ignored her question, while she stared at me.

As soon as we got back to the hotel I ran to the kitchen. 


Sara stormed in after me and blocked the fridge. 

"What happened?!" she shouted. 

"You really think I would find out about you and Zayn?! Your little 'lunch date'? I thought you were different Sara. But I guess not." I yelled back. 

"What the hell are you talking about?!"


She stared at me. Emotionless, but it was replaced by anger. She turned around and began walking away but stopped at the doorway.

"You're clueless. You really should realize how big of a jerk you can be." she whispered before sulking off. 

A jerk? She just fucking went on a date with my best friend. 

"What did you do mate?" Zayn asked walking into the kitchen. 

"You like her don't you?" I questioned. 

"No. Niall I don't like her. I could never take her away from you." he answered. 

"Then why were you two holding hands?" 

"I was helping her through the paps." 

"Shit. I messed this up." 

"Big time." 

"Not helping Zayn!" I argued. 


What will happen to Sara and Niall? Does Sara actually fall for Zayn? 

Vote and comment! Loves yous! xx :)

-Sam xx

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