An Enemy Among The Border Walk [EDITED]

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Nathan and Amber were now a little ways from town, following a long dirt path that led off crookedly into the woods. 

     "So Amber, why is it you never talk in class?" Nathan asked as the sun slowly began to fall into the sunset.

     "Well, about that..." She began but stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes glazed over, turning green. Something was nearby and she could sense it. 

     "What's wrong?" Nathan asked, sensing her tension. 

     "Nothing. Let's just keep going," Amber replied, growling a bit under her breath. She quickened her pace but not so much, so that Nathan could still follow. Her wolf senses were telling her that it was another wolf, and one that wasn't in her pack. 

     "Wait, Amber, what's wrong?" Nathan asked, feeling her tension increase.

     "Nothing just... please stay beside me and don't slow down," she replied, letting out a low growl. Nathan jumped at the growl but stayed beside her like she ordered and tried to keep up. 

     Great, he's, she's, or whatever this thing is is getting closer. They're behind us now and if they get any closer I'm going to have no choice but to transform into my wolf form, Amber thought.

     The scent of the wolf was getting stronger now and she could tell that it was a male. He was hunting and right now Nathan was his ideal prey. "Nathan, get behind me," Amber snarled, feeling the swipe of the male wolf's claws behind her. Nathan listened to her and moved swiftly. 

     Amber then turned into her wolf form. Her eyes were green as fresh spring grass, fur as white as snow, her nose black as coal, and her fangs sharp as knives. She unsheathed her claws and let out a warning snarl to the other wolf to say, "You're not getting him without getting through me first." 

     The other wolf responded by standing in a fighting stance and licking his chops as he looked over at Nathan with lustful hunger in his dark blue eyes. "Fine, if it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get. But let me warn you, I'm the daughter of the alpha of the Glow Stone Pack, one of the strongest packs in Willowsille. Fighting me will not be overlooked by my mother or father," Amber growled. 

     "So be it. I never liked your pack anyway and I've always hated your father," the other wolf spat, snapping at her. 

     "You'll regret that," Amber snapped lunging towards him, but the other wolf moved swiftly jumping out of her way and headed towards Nathan.

     Amber changed directions and threw her self forward, her paws hitting the ground gracefully with a quiet thud as she ran towards the wolf, knocking him out of the way. "You know the rules you pathetic piece of trash. You have to fight for what you desire, whether it be food or mate," Amber snarled biting into his neck but was quickly shaken off. 

     "Sure I do, but you should also know that Ember Wolves do not play by the rules," he said with a snap of his jaws. 

     "I see, so you're an enemy of my father and one with the Ember wolves. You must be Artemis, the alpha of the Embers," Amber said as he lunged forward tackling her. She quickly knocked him off with a short spin. 

     "Ah, we have a bright one here, now do we? Well, young Amber Wood, what else do you know about me?" He spoke with a low endangering growl. Amber stopped and gave him a look of surprise. No wolf had ever known her human name, aside from her father and mother. Back at her pack she had always been addressed as Astral. This was because when you return from human life in town you are a wolf and not a human, therefore you must have separate identities for each side in order to make them both discrete. 

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