Captured Yet Again

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    Artemis had soon arrived in the west side of town and was now standing at the entrance of the alley way where the gang leader had told him to come to if he needed anything. He headed into the alley and waited for a good while until the leader showed up with his gang members all gathered up behind him. 

"I didn't think you'd need something this early but who am I to argue with a wolf so what's up who's that brat you have in your hands" Zach asked walking up to him. 

"Heh well I'm not going to argue with you that he's a brat but he is important and why he is so important is something I'll discuss with you later any way I was wondering if you could watch over him for a bit while I go get my pal so he can wake him" Artemis explained.

     "Sure but can't you just wake him normally I mean he's only a kid so it can't be that hard" Zach asked looking up at him 

"well not exactly he seems to be in a coma and I don't have the time to wait for him to wake up so just keep an eye over him I'll be back in no time. But I may have to leave him with you for a few days since there's another pack looking for him and my pack camp is the first place they'd look so just do me this favor and in return I can find you a mate and maybe some cash" Artemis said. 

"Well alright I guess I cant argue with my alpha so I'll see you in a couple hours I expect" Zach said as Artemis handed Nathan over to him 

"yep but once my friend comes to awake him you'll have to keep a close eye on this little guy he's a tricky one I tell you" Artemis said walking off. 

"Got it but once you come back meet me at the abandoned house at the edge of town it's one of my gang's many safe houses and it's where your little friend will be staying" Zach said loudly to make sure he'd heard him.

     "So does that mean we get an extended time limit to get our cash together" one of the members asked as the others whispered to each other 

"sure but Bruce and Crypt your with me and your payment is due today. So get your butts over here and take this brat and follow me down to the safe house" Zach yelled the two boys in the back nodded and rushed over to carry the boy then followed Zach out of the alley way. It had only taken them a few minutes to reach the safe house considering the fact that they were close to the edge the town to begin with. Once there they put Nathan inside one of the rooms on the second floor and had the gang leader watching over him awaiting for his alpha's arrival.

Zach let out a sigh as he looked out the window staring down at the road that led to the house waiting for Artemis to arrive with his friend. He then turned away from the window and leaned up against the wall looking at Nathan who still laid unconsciously on a small old bed that had been placed in the room. What is  it that is so special about this kid he looks the same as any other boy attending the school here so why does he have to be so 'special'...gosh Artemis better have some kind of mind-blowing explanation for this  Zach thought. He then headed towards the door figuring that there was no use watching over a kid who was knocked out cold then headed out the door locking it behind him just in case then headed down stairs his stomach growled loudly. He hadn't eaten anything all day and wasn't planning to anytime soon for he had work to do so instead of satisfying his hunger and going to grab a bite from the kitchen he left out the front door leaving.

     He was well on his way down the street until he was stopped by one of his gang members 

"hey boss where are you heading I thought you had to stay and wait for someone" she said grabbing a hold of his shoulder. Zach jerked away and turned around and glared at her giving her some kind of warning but the girl stood firm her arms folded as she waited for an answer 

"I'm heading out to one of our bases to pick up a package. But more importantly what are you doing away from your post" Zach replied turning his annoyance towards her 

"my shift was up and someone came to take over. Now tell me where the package is and I'll retrieve it so you can wait for that guy that you're dealing with" she said but Zach shook his head 

"the package is important and if I don't go to retrieve it alone on a certain time they'll leave with it. And since your off your post duties you can guard the kid then if you refuse to do so and continue to disrespect me I'll have no choice but tie you up and leave you at the border of the deadly forest" Zack said. 

"Fine but what am I supposed to tell the guy when he gets here" she asked giving up the argument 

"tell Artemis that I have business to get done but I'll be back soon enough" Zach said heading off the girl nodded and walked away towards the house.    

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