The Glow Stone Pack [EDITED]

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Finally, after twenty more minutes of walking the two finally made it to the pack, where a she-wolf stood waiting. 

     "Oh, dear Amber. You're injured and it seems you've brought a guest. A friendly one, I hope?" The wolf asked.

    "They're only minor injuries. I'll make my way to the medicine den as soon as I talk to my mother and father. This is Nathan... he saved my life, and he's my friend so make sure the others treat him nicely," Amber said. 

     "I'll be sure to. Oh, and please let Akira escort you," the wolf said, calling over another wolf . 

     "Of course Clarity, and send someone to watch over Nathan as well," Amber said, walking off with the grey-furred wolf named Akira. 

    "Wait, but Amber-!" Nathan yelled, but she continued to walk towards one of the dens with Akira. 

     "It's alright, young one. Now follow me, I'm going to take you to Ari. He'll be looking after you until Astrid is finished taking care of her business," Clarity said. 

     Nathan nodded and followed Clarity over to a dark brown wolf with sky blue eyes. Akira brought Amber over to the alpha's den and waited outside.

     "Ah, Amber, you're finally home! How was school?" her mom asked. 

     "Normal as always," Amber replied. Her mother smiled and padded up to her, hugging her. Her blonde fur rubbed soothingly against Ambers human skin. 

    "So where's Father?" Amber asked as her mother gazed up at her with her dark brown eyes. 

     "Oh, he's down by the creek with Nala. Why?" Her mother replied, studying her wounds. 

     "I need to speak with him about something really important. It can't wait," Amber replied, heading out of the den. 

     "Akira, go check on Nathan, Clarity should know where he is. Only after that will you come to accompany me at the creek," Amber said, a tone of authority in her voice. 

    "Yes, ma'am," Akira said, walking off as Amber turned into her wolf form and ran out of the pack's camp. 

     It wasn't long before she reached the creek where her father sat with Nala. 

    "Father, there is a matter that must be discussed," Amber said, trotting up to them. 

     "Alright, then. Nala, please head back. We'll continue this conversation later. My daughter seems to have something important to discuss," her father said as he stood up. Nala left without question 

    "Now, what is it you want to tell me?" Her father asked, looking at her. 

    "A boy from school insisted on walking me home and I allowed it. We left town and were heading towards the woods when Artemis showed up. He attacked me and seemed to take an interest in my human friend. I was able to get out of the fight alive thanks to Nathan, but now I'm afraid Artemis has something in mind for him, so I brought him here in order to protect him. Can he stay?" Amber asked. 

     Her father looked down at her with anger in his eyes upon hearing his brother's name. "Yes, the boy can stay, but make sure you keep an eye on him. Artemis is a sly one. As for my brother, I'll deal with him immediately. Tell your mother I'll be gone until dawn," her father said then raced off, his black fur flowing in the wind. 

    Amber sighed. Now I have to get my injuries checked and retrieve Nathan, Amber thought as she began to head towards the pack where she ran into Akira. 

    "How's Nathan?" Amber asked as they walked to the medicine den together. 

     "He seems to have fallen asleep. Perhaps there was too much excitement for him today," Akira replied. 

   "I wouldn't call it 'excitement'. It was more of a... well, let's just say he had a long day," Amber said as she walked into the medicine den turning into human form. 

     "Oh my, those are quite the injuries you have there," the wolf said, turning into human form. 

     "Yes, and Siku, can you bandage it up quickly? I have matters to attend to," Amber asked. 

    "Matters? Ah yes, that's right. I've heard you've brought a human boy to the camp. I'll fix your wounds as quickly as possible," Siku said, grabbing some clean bandages, cloth, and water from the shelves. It had taken only a minute for Amber to get her wounds bandaged, giving Amber enough daylight to head over to Nathan. 

     He was still asleep, huddled up to Ari. Amber walked to them quietly. 

    "He's a sweet one, isn't he? You can hardly tell his hair from my fur," Ari said, looking up at Amber. 

    "Yes, he is. Well, do you mind if I join? I'm feeling a bit tired as well," Amber asked, turning into her wolf form. 

    "Sure you can, but be careful not to wake him," he replied, laying his head back down on his paws as Amber curled up by Nathan, falling asleep instantly.             

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