Stuck In Capitivity

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Ari stumbled into the room falling straight into a puddle of blood with the door slamming shut behind him. He wiped the blood off his face with his hand brushing over the scars on his face. After spitting out all the blood that had gotten into his mouth he looked around the room only to find that it was empty.

"Coda" Ari called out desperately struggling to stand his call soon answered by a low whimper "Coda it''s me Ari I'm here to save you" Ari said scanning over in attempt to find him.

"Ari" Coda cried racing over to him hugging him tightly "Artemis came and...he took me away" Coda said as the tears ran down his face.

"It's okay now, we're going to get out of here I promise" Ari said as Coda rested his head on his shoulder

"I'm sorry Ari...I'm sorry for being useless I shouldn't have gone with you to begin with. I should have listened to you and stayed behind with the others" Coda cried clinging onto him

"Coda don't say that your not useless and what I said before...I...I-I...I was just worried about you. Then when I saw your human form you were so small and I got worried again I was scared I just couldn't stand the thought of you being caught or captured by another wolf. Then when I saw that human holding you in their arm I grew jealous wanting so much to just tackle him, but you were hurt so I had no choice so I let him take you. And because of my stupid mistake your here and your hurt and scared so if anyone is to blame it should be me" Ari said.

" were jealous but why" Coda asked lifting his head gazing up at him

"why? what do you mean why? your adorable anyone would be jealous" Ari said.

"Adorable" Coda asked tilting his head ever so slightly

"yeah your cute" Ari said his face turning a light red Coda continued to look at him with a confused expression

"I...I like you ok...a-as in I love you" Ari stammered.

"I love you too your my best friend" Coda said obviously still completely oblivious to what he was talking about.

"No I like you as in..." Ari began but paused deciding that it would be better to show him so he wiped the stray tears away from Coda face then kissed him.

"I-I" Coda stammered his face bright red in embarrassment he then fell back into rabbit form hiding himself behind his long floppy ears. Ari smiled picking him up

"well now it's time for me to get you out of here like I pomised".

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