The Biology Substitute [EDITED]

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Today, Amber had attended all her classes and was able to fly through the school day without a problem ...that was, until Biology. That class seemed extra long because of the substitute. 

     At first, it was normal. She sat down at her seat and did her warm-up along with the other kids. She turned it in after feeling satisfied with her answers and sat down calmly. But her calm resting state ended when the teacher... no, the substitute walked in, suddenly making everything in her body grow tense. 

     Amber growled under her breath and bared her teeth as he sat down at the front desk. She raised her hand quickly, glaring at him. 

     "Ah, yes... Amber... What is it?" He asked, pretending to look at the seating chart. 

     "Can I talk to you outside now?" She asked in a demanding voice. 

     "Well, I'm afraid class is about to start and-" 

     "It's important," she interrupted loudly. The substitute smirked, revealing a row of fang-like teeth. The kids shifted uneasily and started whispering to each other. 

     "If it is what you wish, then come with me. We can talk in the other room," he said, leading her out the door. Before Amber could react, he had grabbed her upper arm in a vice-like, inescapable grip, and walked into the classroom one door over. He practically threw her into the room and locked the door behind them. 

     "So Amber, what was it you wanted to-" 

     "Cut the crap and tell me what you're doing here, Artemis. You're certainly not fit to be a teacher, much less a substitute," Amber growled, interrupting him. 

     "I would tell you, but I think you already know the reason," Artemis said, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at Amber.

     "Nathan isn't here and won't be coming to school anymore. He's with my pack now," Amber said, crossing her arms. 

      Artemis smirked. "Oh, is that true? Then I guess I'll just have to kill off your entire pack to get to him. Shouldn't be that hard; after all, your pack is weak in every way," he drawled.

      Before Amber could think, she'd pushed Artemis into the wall behind him. "Don't you dare talk about my pack that way," Amber snarled, her lip curling over knife-sharp teeth.

     "I was only telling the truth," Artemis snapped, glaring at her as he stepped away from the wall and dusted off his shoulders. "After all, my pack has killed off many of your pack, hasn't it? We've done so before, and we can do it again to get the boy."

     "What is it that you want with him?" Amber asked in a low growl, struggling to keep herself from lunging at Artemis and trying to rip out his throat. Not now, she thought at her wolf side. Not here. We'll kill him later. Her fangs began to withdraw, though Amber could feel their reluctance to do so. 

     "The prophecy," Artemis hissed under his breath, his eyes gleaming with rage. "The prophecy of the of the human and wolf."

     Then he unlocked the door and threw it open. "Class is beginning," he spat, and disappeared down the hall.  

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