The Great Escape

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     Nathan walked up to the den's entrance now there must be some kind of way to get past this force field Nathan thought as he looked around the den for something to use. But he couldn't seem to find anything except for the two dead rabbits that had been left to rest on the ground further into the den. Wait maybe I don't have to break through it but instead I could dig my way out Nathan thought looking at the space next to the entrance where the dirt wall was weak. And by the looks of it someone had already tried to dig through someone like Argo and with the digging already started only a bit early it wouldn't take so long. Nathan then began digging as fast as he could knowing he couldn't trust that Artemis would be back the next day but probable earlier.

     After a couple of hours Nathan was finally able to break through the dirt wall and into the seemingly empty pack camp. But even though it seemed that way he couldn't take any chances plus time was running out the sky was dark and the moon had already awoke but even that was the case he had to get to Argo quickly and get out of here as fast as possible. So with that in mind Nathan quickly scanned the area until he spotted Argo who was laying down  the cold hard ground whimpering and mumbling to himself about something. 

Nathan ran over to him forgetting about all the possibilities of danger "Argo are you ok did they hurt you" Nathan asked with a worried expression on his face.

"No...I...I'm fine how did you get out" Argo replied wiping away his tears

 "I dug my way out...look Artemis is gone at the moment this is our only chance to get out of here" Nathan said. 

"No" Argo yelled sitting up 

"what do you mean" Nathan asked as Argo turned to look at him with a glare 

"we can't I told you we have to wait for the others it's to dangerous to go running off" 

"what do you mean there's no wolf in sight we can-".

"No I said no you don't know anything about this place you don't even know the way back so what do you to plan to do once we get out huh exactly you don't so we have to wait" Argo said fiercely. 

"Even if so we'll be out of here and meet Ari and Astral on the way out if we see them and-" Nathan said but then stopped looking down at Argo's ankle it was bruised and covered in dried blood it was broken.

"Is that why you don't want to go" Nathan asked but Argo shook his head 

"there's more reasons than my injury reasons in which involve wild fierce animals and wolves" Argo replied. 

"Yeah but we can still make it I'm scared I want to go my real home" Nathan said looking down with a sad expression on his face. 

"I realize that but we have to wait it out okay" Argo said with a comforting smile and calming voice 

"ok" Nathan said finally agreeing with him 

"that's it now come in here it's far to cold out there" Argo said reaching his hand out. Nathan nodded and took his hand and walked over to the other side of him and sat down leaning on him "there you go now just try to settle down and sleep some Ari and Astral should be hear soon" Argo said putting his arm around him.

"Ok but before I sleep can you tell me about the prophesy that I'm somehow connected to" Nathan asked and Argo nodded. 

"Ok so the Ending Warrior...a prophesy in which involves a young wolf and a boy a prophesy in which has been passed down though generation to generation it had been said that one day a white artic colored wolf will one day share its blood with a human boy. But it is also true that this prophesy can be switched and given to any fur colored wolf either way the wolf that mates with the full blood human boy shall be given power this power involves a choice in how you use it. It can make you so strong that you can make everyone even the humans bow down before in order to gain full power over this here town and possibly the whole world or you can use it for what is right and what we the Glow Stone pack plan to use it for.

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