Untitled Part 19

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Coda awoke his vision blurred and head spinning "where...where am I" he asked despite the fact he felt no other presence into the room and as he expected there was no answer. "I should have never insisted on coming with them...I'm too much of a nuisance always getting into trouble like a small child" Coda said to himself as a tear fell from his left eye. 

"Hey your finally awake what a relief I thought I'd have to call my medicine wolf for assistance like I had to do for Nathan. So putting that to the side where are your friends Coda" Artemis asked bending down to look him in the eye with a menacing glare.

"I don't know...I wondered off when they began to search and I got into some trouble and..." 

"whatever whether you know or not you can be useful you'll be my hostage. While the others may not come search for you Ari certainly will then the others will definitely come" Artemis said with a grin as more tears began to fall from Coda's eyes realizing how meaningless he really was. "You know scratching up that pretty face of yours will make that kid pretty angry huh maybe we should do just that" Artemis said transforming only his finger tips so he could use his wolf claws. He started by making a large scar across his left eye, a few on his cheeks, and more in which he made on his torso after tearing his shirt in half.

"There that should be enough to get him angry now follow me I'll take you next door to where my other prisoners are being kept" Artemis said grabbing his shoulder with a tight grip. Coda didn't try to fight back and didn't do anything when he was thrown into the next room where he fell to the ground his head slamming up against the hard wooden floor. The bright morning rays of the sun welcomed him the next morning his eyes opened slightly then fully after he rubbed his eyes. He forced himself off the ground onto his own two feet and scanned the room. He was alone. So if Nathan's not here...no he has to be here I must have just got moved right...yeah Coda thought ignoring the worst case scenario.

He looked at the door it was covered in claw marks his eyes were then drawn to the doorknob which was covered in fresh blood. The blood in which stained the floor covering it almost completely as if the room was mopped with blood he touched his cheek where Artemis had cut him it's only a scratch Coda told himself as his finger tips glided across the gash that now laid upon his cheek. He turned around only to see the see the rest of the room was empty but marks on the floor indicated that furniture was there once before and not to long ago for it had been moved out before Coda entered the room. He looked over towards the window and from where he stood he could see a faint figure of someone seeing this Coda moved closer to the window and looked down at the alley.

The figure in which he had seen turned out to be another wolf however this one wasn't from any of the packs Coda was familiar with but one thing was for sure and that was this wolf wasn't friendly. He was a rival. The wolf from below looked at him and Coda ducked out of his side quickly but he wasn't quick enough this was especially bad because the wolf looked terribly hungry and would do anything for an easy meal. I...I need to get out of here Coda thought looking at the ground with a terrible look of fear on his face but that thought couldn't be executed until he managed to open the door which was again impossible unless he had pick lock.

At this rate Coda was just a sitting target and unlike a wolf he couldn't defend himself since he was a rabbit and being in human form didn't change any of that and he knew this. "I want to go home...I want to be with Ari" Coda cried as he heard the wolf struggling to climb the wall up to the second floor window with excruciating success but with failure as well. The fact that this wolf can jump higher then average didn't make anything better neither did the fact that this wolf was a full blood which meant he was a lot stronger. Coda thought he was done for when a hear the sound of claws scraping up against the window but then he heard a loud thud he looked out the window only to see that the wolf had strangely disappeared. Was he safe?

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