Untitled Part 18

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Coda woke up in an unfamiliar room entirely different from Argo's den. He looked around realizing he was alone "Ari" Coda called but no one answered he sat up his head aching at his sudden movement. "Ari" he called again his head pounding as he continued to move up off the bed stumbling down onto the ground. He couldn't feel his body anymore everything went numb and soon refused to function as his body hit the ground his head tilted facing the door of the room. He tried to speak but couldn't and even though he wanted to scamper over to the corner in fear as someone entered the room his body refused him.

"Stay...stay away" Coda said in a silent voice as the boy walked up to him slowly petting the top of Coda's head once he got close. Coda winced at the sensation of the hand gliding across his soft fur like hair his body shook when he caught the scent of something that resembled a wolf on the boy. 

"It's alright I want hurt you your friend Ari has asked me to watch over you" the boy said causing Coda's nose to twitch at the sound of his friends name 

"Ari" he said calmly his voice returning to him. Suddenly before the boy could explain further someone busted though the door it appeared as an Irish Hound but wore the scent of a wolf. Coda's movement had been restored the moment the hound entered he scampered over to the bed and dove underneath it as the dog chased him. 

"Crypt heel" the boy yelled and the dog stopped letting out a low whine 

"outside" he said and the dog left 

"is...is it gone" Coda asked poking his head out from under the bed. 

"Yeah you can come out now" the boy said but Coda shook his head 

"it's safer here" he said but he knew he couldn't stay under there forever. 

"Well I guess I should introduce myself my name is..." He began but was interrupted by a knock at the door he sighed leaving the room. The dog entered once again padding up to him. 

"You stink of rabbit" Crypt said with a low growl "and I don't like rabbits but a little friend of mine does. Maybe i should tell Artemis that you and your friends have arrived" Crypt said with a snarl.

"No you can't...I won't let you" Coda said his voice loud but not anything compared to a shout. 

"How can you possibly stop me? You're nothing compared to me who is a wolf that has the ability to tear you apart at any given moment. You worthless rodent" Crypt spat causing Coda to shake in fear at his words. 

"Crypt what are you doing" the boy asked Crypt spun around quickly barking with delight. 

What was this was the boy so kind of depressant for the wolf's anger? Coda would never know 

"hey your friend is here to pick you up" the boy said petting his dog

 Coda nodded making his way out from underneath the bed then over to the bedroom door entering the hallway. Something wasn't right. Ari's scent wasn't there nor were any of his other wolf friends.Coda peaked around the corner only to see Artemis himself he froze stumbling forward into Artemis's sight. 

"Well looks like that mutt wasn't lying you really are here and that means you friends are somewhere near by". Artemis then formed is hand into a paw and gave Coda quite a blow to his head causing him to black out.  

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