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Even though it was pouring down with rain and I was running through it, I was still in an amazing mood.

I was with Alfie who I had met unexpectedly on the beach when I was with my friends. Running along I followed him into his block of flats. I took off my jumper which was drenched from the rain.

I walked in behind Alfie when he opened the door to his flat and I put my heavy, wet jumper over the chair in front of me.

I looked up and I could have swore because of the sight in front of me. 

My best friend was sitting there with none other than Marcus Butler sat next to her. Marcus Butler was one of the best and worst times of my life. He treated me amazingly for a start. He was the perfect man, always complimenting me, coming to see me unexpectedly and just generally being amazing. When I finally chose to spend the night with him, he made it the perfect night that you would only imagine to ever see in a movie. But he had made it reality for me.

We made love in the perfect setting and I couldn't have been happier. I stayed the night and left the next morning after a loving kiss and a lovely breakfast. Then after that he never spoke to me again. That was it. All contact lost. I had never even seen him again until now. Sitting there with my best friend that knew about my whole experience with him.

So many emotions were going through my head at that moment but the one that made most sense to express first was surprise.


He tried to make an excuse for himself but before he got the chance I shouted at Niomi.

"Niomi! How could you do this to me!?"

Alfie expressed his confusion and I gladly told him what was happening. My best friend Niomi was meeting up with her 'mystery man' that she didn't tell me the name of. Marcus Butler, the asshole that treated me like shit after we were together.

Alfie didn't seem to be completely bothered that Marcus had treated me like shit, he just got confused about the fact that I had ever been with Marcus in the first place. Then I got confused. He had just said that Marcus was his best friend.

"He is your best friend? Will I didn't think I'd ever meet two opposites. I'm leaving now, this is awkward and I can't stand to be in this room any longer." I felt tears in my eyes so I picked up my jumper and stormed out of Alfie's flat.

All that was going through my mind was that Alfie and Marcus were best friends. How could this have even happened? I know that Marcus was the perfect man to me at the start of our relationship but I could tell that with Alfie it was real. He was actually a nice, caring, funny person. Alfie was nothing like Marcus.

I heard the footsteps of someone running up behind me but I didn't care. I didn't want to speak to anyone.

"Zoe! Zoe! Look I'm sorry. Please let me explain."

I stopped walking and wiped a tear from my cheek. Marcus walked in front of me and looked at me.

"Zoe, please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for things to get like that with us. I didn't think about you. I don't want to make any excuses for myself either. I just don't want you to be upset about it any longer."

"Marcus, there's nothing you can do anymore. You didn't even speak to me after we spent the night together. Do you know how that made me feel?"

"I'm sorry. Please Zoe. I don't want you to hate me anymore. I don't want you to not speak to Alfie because of me either."

"Marcus, just leave me alone! I never want to see you ever again!"

I pushed past Marcus and ran off. It was still pouring rain. I started crying even worse. I didn't hear Marcus behind me so I started to slow down. I put my soaking wet jumper back on but sat on the closest bench to me. I sat there and cried. I didn't want to think about what was going on right now.

I mean my best friend was with my asshole ex-boyfriend who was the best friend of the guy I liked. Things were confusing and too much of it all was upsetting me. I just needed a hug.

I was absolutely freezing and the rain felt like it wasn't going to stop any time soon. I decided going home was probably my best choice. I stood up, not caring that my hair was absolutely terrible and I could feel my makeup half way down my face. I walked home, the rain probably getting worse than better. I let the tears fall from my eyes the whole way back to my flat and when I finally reached my block of flats I walked up and went inside. I threw my keys on the kitchen counter then walked through to my bathroom.

I had a shower and half dried my hair before getting changed into my big hoody and some leggings. I put on my converse and found my packet of cigarettes in the living room. I walked outside and stood in at the door so I didn't get soaked from the rain again. 

I smoked my cigarette then went back up to my flat. I sat on the sofa and sighed. I was going to stop myself from crying again. I had a sore head from crying so making it worse wasn't a good idea. I just sat there thinking about it all. About how I felt, not just about Marcus, but about Niomi and Alfie too. Then there was a knock at the door. I got up from where I was sitting and opened the door.

"What do you want?"

goodbye ▸ zalfieWhere stories live. Discover now