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Tom's P.O.V (point of view)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream. The intruder stares at me.

He stands there, confused. I try to reach for a gun.. But unfortunately, I had no gun near me. I wasn't able to quickly point a gun at him as I scream.

In my mind, I was actually freaking out. Throwing a pillow at him will be useless. Now what? I've got no weapon near me. This wouldn't work out like that one time with that skeleton person.

Timmy's P.O.V (point of view)

Thomas' screams alarmed me. But just in case, I peeked in his room. Apparently, an intruder was in his room. I knew those windows would do no good.

I thought Thomas would at least attack the intruder, but he didn't. He didn't launch at him, he did nothing but scream. And I watched for a minute as the intruder also did nothing but be confused.

I sighed. Knowing nothing will happen, I shot the intruder. It left Thomas silent.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I asked.

"Because the intruder had a gun. If I launched at him, he could've easily shot me. And I had no gun with me." He explains.

I nod, understanding. I take a few Mentos out of my pocket and eat them. Thomas thanks me and I nod again.

Thomas.. Knowing that he's dumb enough to not realize a bunch of zombies weren't pixelated, he's still smarter than Matthew and Edd. He could do us some good.

I walk away from him, but I tell him to stay at the edge of the room. I take Patryk with me and we both work together to cover the window with Ebony wood. After that, we both leave Thomas to let him sleep.

"You should get some sleep, too." Patryk says to me. "Kids need their proper sleep."

".... And you. You should get some sleep as well." I say back. "You're working harder enough."

"Thanks." Patryk glistens. He pats my head and heads to his dorm. I head to my dorm too.


"My computer crashed!" Matthew says. I glance at him, seeing that he's trying to do work.

"Edd! Help me recover my data!" He calls over Edd.

"...... Matt.. That's a cardboard box."


Yeah, no. He's trying.

Yuu's P.O.V (point of view)

Timmy and I go off to train these guys. For one thing, they look awful now. It completely ruins their image. It looks as if the three went to a Lantern Riddle and got a burning lantern stuck in their heads.

Translation: They look like their faces are burning and melting off.

After when they were done, Timmy gave them Mentos. You could've at least gave them water.

"So.. How was it?" Tord asked the three.

Thomas raised his head up from the ground, "What does it look like?"

Tord stood there, smirking. I was afraid he was going to have an idea. A really bad one. But instead, he said that all we need is a rest. His face was expressing pity, for one. Two was that we didn't need to worry for the moment.

I stood there, completely worried. Timmy didn't looked exactly shocked, but more relieved. I turn my head to Tord in complete doubt, but it seemed that he didn't care for the future wars for now.

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