Chapter 2-What was that?-

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I woke up at around 8 am in a dozy state, everyone else was still asleep and chris was looking better than he did last night. I left the building that we ha stayed in that night, I decided to go check on the car since we left it unattended that night.

As i approached the car i tried to open the door..... And to my "surprise" i locked my keys in my car. I looked at my phone to see of I could call any one to but, of course i had no signal. I just got frustrated and decided to deal with this after everyone else wakes up. I gave them a extra 30 minutes to sleep then i woke them up, surprisingly chris woke up first but the rest took a little to wake up (I had to kick Glen).

After they all came to their senses i explained to them how i locked the keys in the car on accident and couldn't get the signal to call for help, they didn't seem very happy with me. Annie suggested looking through some of the houses around us and find something for her to pick a lock with, like i said she knows me then she should. We got in groups and starting heading into different building, I did all i could to make sure angie came with me. Angie and I went to the house directly across from where we stayed that night and there wasn't much, just a lot of broken furniture and cob webs. I was about to leave the house when i noticed something gleaming in the corner of the room behind a rotted couch, I ran to it and picked it up and to my surprise it was a swiss army knife! I thought at some point it would come in handy, I shoved the knife in my pocket and ran to try to find Annie. On the way to the house I saw them going into last i tried making small talk with angie, i said "you know this would make a great horror movie" but all that did was annoy her because this was my fault anyways but I still found it slightly funny. We walked into the building only to find the smell of what seemed like a dead skunk and there was no one in sight, i called out their names but there was no answer so I started getting worried i called their names louder and louder but there was still no reply. I turned around to go outside and look more and then I head angie scream as i saw Glen jumping out at her to scare her. Annie was practically dying of laughter as she watched the plan she put together unfold, chris was just quietly standing behind them looking annoyed. I punched glen in the arm as hard as i could for scaring angie, who know just want to go home because she is scarred to death. After everything settled down i talked to Annie about how I found a knife and it might help, she took the knife from me and ran towards the gate where the care was parked, i got there to see Annie looking confused as she turned around and asked "wheres the car?" I ran to her and... Well... The car was just gone! There was broken glass on the ground next to where the car was supposed to be and tire marks heading away, we were so far away from town that it would be worthless trying to walk. Chris finally spoke up and said "maybe we can find someone in the village? Its worth a shot" with no other options we walked back into the village and went past all the houses with the broken in doors and shattered windows, Annie said "i wonder want went down here it looks like they were moved by force".

Almost all the houses looked burned and just had a creepy feeling to it all.

We found a HUGE building down the road it was like a town hall or something. It was mostly in shape and the doors and windows were still standing. I went up to the doors and knocked and as cheesy as it sounds the door creeped open. It was dark inside except for a few candles that looked Newly lit by a wall. There was something written on the wall in a weird liquid that looked like paint but it smelled bad like expired milk but was a bright red color. It read "The Abandonment was no Mistake".

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