Chap4: What..?

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**Bey Pov

I woke up to a empty bed. where was Jay. Maybe he's downstairs.

B: Jay.....JAY!! where the hell is he.

Phone Conversation

B: Hey babe good morning

J: Good morning... it's the afternoon I thought you would never wake up.

B: Oh wow I've been sleep that long.... where are you babe..

J:.I'm at the studio... why

B: well I did wake up alone

J: Oh I'm sorry babe. you know how you get when I wake you up.

B: you couldn't leave a note or something.

J:I'm sorry

B: I bet you are.... well I got to get going I will see you later okay

J: okay.. love you

B: yeah yeah.

**End Convo

I got out of bed and jumped in the shower. when I got out I put my robe on and I did my make up just a little. I didn't feel like doing my hair so I put it in a messy bun and my bags where out and I had on a bandana. I put on some shorts and a Egyptian shirt with my chain. I wrapped a plaid shirt around my waist and headed towards the studio.

once I got to the studio I didn't see Jay's car. I went in and seen Keisha (his assistant) at her desk.

B: Hey Keisha how are you

K: I'm good you must be looking for Jay

B: Yae where is he

K: he is at lunch. he should back in a few if you want to wait for him

B: Naw can you just let him know I stopped by and to text me please.

K: no problem Ms.Knowles

B: Mrs.Carter

K: Oh I'm sorry.... Mrs.Carter

after that I left.. I never liked Keisha it something about her.. I have to keep my eye on her. she knew my last name was Carter. anyways where is my husband. he better not be doing Nothing he don't got no business but I trust him

once I got home I got a text from Jay.

**Text Convo

Hovah: I heard you came by the studio

Yonce: Yeah and where were you

Hovah: I was at lunch didn't Keisha tell you.

Yonce: yeah but you know i don't trust her.

Hovah: well I will be home in about a hour or so.

Yonce: okay

**End Convo

while I was waiting for Jay to get home I just watched television and chilled out. Of course I ate and I took a nap. when I woke up Jay was home but he was upstairs. I went upstairs and seen him on his phone texting someone.

B: Hey babe

J: *looked up* Oh Hey baby *looked back down*

B: so *sits on the bed* how was your day

J: *not taking his eyes of his phone* it was busy today.

B: Oh *rolled her eyes*

I went back downstairs because I didn't feel like dealing with Jay. I trust him but what is he doing on his phone to the point where he doesn't want to talk to me. my thoughts were interrupted

Jay walked downstairs with his phone was in his hand still texting someone. I watches him as he walked in the kitchen got him some juice and went back upstairs.


I've been watching Martin for about 3 hours and still have not heard from Jay. Why is he being so distant.

I went upstairs time see what he was doing and of course he was on his phone

B: *heated* Shawn can I talk to you WITHOUT your phone.

J: Yes baby *putting his phone on the table*

B: I know you love me and I trust you to the Max but... are you cheating on me

J: why would you ask that

B: because you are being very distant from me, acting like you don't want to see or talk to me, because you are on your phone.

J: Bey listen... I would never EVER cheat on you I love you to much to cheat. why would I go fuck some other hoe when I have the perfect women to make love to at home. I know you know better than that. I love you way to much to hurt you in any type of way. I have way to much to lose just because of some side piece. they say don't makes promises you can't keep. but I promise I would never cheat on you like that babe. And I love you.

B: okay baby I'm sorry for not trusting you. I just love you too much for you to leave over some other bitch.

J: Baby don't talk like that I would never.

B:.... I know *smiling*

J: now lets go to bed it's getting late.. I love you

**Jay Pov

Good thing she didn't find out.



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