Author's note

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Hello everyone,

ah, I'm at the awkward position of beginning my story writing this note at almost 12 pm. I'll start with explaining to you why I wanted to write, what I have written.

Now I'm on one of the many crossroads I will face in life, the point where I celebrate that I'm almost 19 years on this earth. Well, at least I see it as a celebration.

Like everyone I have gone through my fair share of tough situations and I saw others suffer through theirs. The pressure got some of them bad and others kept on going, but there is only so much that the human body can take. I have seen people I held dear suffer through a burn-out and others (still) dealing with their depression and self-harm.

My biggest enemy has always been myself, this is what I've learned from my own experience up until now.

Reaching adulthood meant and still means that I had to leave behind parts of the old me, the part that was selfish, the part that wanted to stand on top of this world. The part that had become so shy, because it had been trampled to the ground.

I had to become somebody that could make rational decisions about their own future, somebody that could take responsibility for my own actions instead of relying on others, somebody that I thought for a long time had to be successful no matter what. The moment my talents weren't enough to reach the top. I knew I had to take a break and re-invent myself, but life goes on and I didn't have that time.

Now I'm studying Social Work. A part of me selfishly wanted to understand a blood-related person that had turned my childhood upside down and the bigger part of me genuinely wanted to enrichen the life of others by giving them a chance again.

This story is a coming of age story, a process I'm working through right now. People make mistakes, we mess up, we break down but in the end we have to move on.

Throughout the videos we see a group of friends struggling, fighting and small parts of their happy youth together. They lost their way and are desperate for answers that will help them find it back.

Their story has intrigued me. After all these months I want to pay a small tribute to the group that has helped so many people find their strength to keep on going.

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