Chapter 3

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"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." - Sigmund Freud

When we were together we never talked about the problematic events that were going on in our supposedly safe haven, our home. Maybe avoiding those kinds of subjects was out of fear of ruining what we had. Avoiding it seemed to be an unwritten rule between us.

Taehyung had a bubbly personality and knew how to make the others around him laugh. One of the things I remember him by are the times that he tried to rap, a passion of his he didn't want to let go.

One day when we were sitting by the sea the three youngest were playfully fighting with each other. It turned into a wrestling match to get the other's shirt of quickly. The sand got everywhere, because of the rain the days before the texture clung on to their skin.

Jimin and Jungkook lost their shirts early in the game, they quickly went after Taehyung. Said person scrambled up from the ground and was running fast towards the water. The moment they got him he made a few futile attempts to keep his shirt on by keeping his arms crossed and lying down on the ground. Jungkook just ripped the shirt in half, since when had the boy gotten such a strong and well-defined body?

Jungkook's eyes widened the moment they saw his friend's bruises, they covered his whole upper body from his neckline to his stomach. Taehyung just shrugged it off and pulled the remains of his shirt from his body, going into the water as if nothing had happened.

Every time we denied that we had seen his bruises, he began denying them himself. Until he had to go back to the place where he got them from.

Taehyung tried staying away from the place he should have been able to call home, many times. Namjoon even offered him to stay in his trailer. However, guilt was something that always dragged him back to his pretend-home. How could he leave his sister behind?

The moment he walked inside he was greeted by the stench of alcohol, the smell had never left the place since his childhood.

Most of the time he never batted an eye when his father was abusing his sister, it had become a normal daily routine they'd go through. However, ever since she had grown into an adult it seemed to have gotten worse for her. She began looking more and more like his mother, a change his father didn't seem to appreciate.

He saw the bottle of beer standing on the table and reacted on an impulse, this madness needed to stop. Taehyung grabbed the bottle and hit it hard enough on the table to break the glass at the end of it.

His father turned around, he acted quickly and hit him once on the head. The hit slowed down the reaction time of his opponent. Taehyung hesitated a moment, heavily breathing because of the impact. He found his resolve in stabbing his father in the stomach.


'For all the pain you've caused mom.'


'For all the times I couldn't call this my home without lying.'


'Why does seeing your face making me so angry? Just die.'


'Why the fuck did you decide to grab the alcohol, instead of being there for us.'

The groans coming from his daddy didn't seem to reach his ears anymore, he felt numbed to the outside world while he stabbed the body in front of him.


'Don't ever lay your filthy hands on me and my sister again.'


'Fuck you, I don't need you anymore.'


'God, I hate you so much.'

Before he could comprehend what he had done, he saw the body before him slumping down on the ground.

It was finally over.

He had killed him.

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