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I walked beside the bed she was sleeping on, not minding if she'd wake up and catch me staring at her unconscious body. But I knew she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon: Her heavy snores gave it away, along with the fact that she was probably heavily drugged.

I watched her shallow breathing. I watched her as she shifted on my bed and mumbled things I couldn't quite catch up or I don't care making out of.

She looked peaceful as she drifted to sleep, her hands flailed upwards in a muddled manner and I smirked at how messy she looked, a little jolt tugging at my heart as it whispered something else.

I had managed to smuggle her out of the school, thankfully, with the slight downside of having to hear her preach like shit. She was talking my ears off, still, when I attempted to take her to her house. But then I figured she'd be safer in my house, and she'd be dead if her Mom would see her looking like a fucking beaten up boxer so I drove passed her neighborhood and brought her in to my house instead, where no one but me lives in.

She rolled to her right, the side where I was standing, and somehow my body tensed at the fact that she could sense me standing there so I made an effort to go out and leave her in peace. But she snored a bit more and I couldn't help but smile at her innocence and delicacy.

Even in sleep she looked ... different.

It was weird, seeing her wearing my jacket and dozing off on my bed. But it made my muscles tug at the edge of my lips.

I decided to fix her blanket and turn off the lamp on the bedside table. As I went for the door, I halted in the middle of the room, took a second look at her, and finally went outside.

She shouldn't know. She should never know.



I went inside her bedroom, this sole place in the world I was forbidden to enter under any circumstances. I made a bold move to drag my feet across these heavily-confined marbles, gracing my way to my Mom. My Mom, who from the very start had been so strong, was crying and sobbing violently in her private chambers.

When I approached her bed, she finally faced me. And what I saw broke my heart.

"Kisses, baby." Her voice was in pieces, her eyes bloodshot because of crying relentlessly. My eyes started to tear up too, but for her I have to be strong, that's why I kept it in, holding the pain I felt within me.

It scared me to come here, now that I already knew she won't allow me inside, but it scared me more that my Mom was crying, and the reason that hid behind it.

"What's the matter, Mom?" I asked softly, not wanting to set her off because of my disobedience.

I was surprised she even answered. But her answer surprised me more than how she answered me.

"Your Dad... he's ..."

She broke apart and fell into sobs once more. I never even bothered to soothe her and touch her and comfort her. I stood in place, not needing Mom to finish her sentence.

My soul tore apart into an amorphous void.

My body shot up. I sat, blinked, and looked around me.

Maybe, Probably, Perhaps, Possibly [A KissWard Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now