♤♧ M A D • T E A • P A R T Y • II. ♡♢

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"If you don't care for tea, you could at least make a polite conversation!"

-Lewis Carroll

How have you been? Can you believe that 10 days have already passed? We sure can't and had this Mad Tea Party prepared in advance. Sometimes we're like playful children!

What we should probably warn you about is the Red Crown system. We won't run after you, we won't send you messages or spam the living hell out of you. If you gain a Crown, you'll just have it until you get rid of it. If you gain 3 Crowns and you're only one event away from getting kicked out, we won't bother too much. We warn you every time when an event is coming to an end, so we don't think it's necessary to behave like nagging mothers all the time. 

Another thing - do not be afraid to tell us if you'll be indisposed or if you need an extra day or two to complete your assignment. This is not a novelty, we're just saying it loud and clear: extensions are possible. Just inform us about it, either that's via messages or comments, doesn't matter. 

Start each comment with a Bonjour and write a review at least 5 sentences long. Read and review two chapters of your group partners' books.

You have until 11th May 2018 to complete your assignment, that gives you 10 days.


Group 1: C H E S H I R E C A T S 

😸 GwenevierjonesEhimen  - Tell No One (Extension MTP I.)

😸 leighyeann  - 1000 & More Calls (Trial 1: Nicely decent.)

😸 TGR20-16  - Abyss (Trial 1: Well done!)

Group 2: C A T T E R P I L L A R S

🐛 PrettyLittleQueenA - Her Crown (Extension MTP I.)

🐛 FallenAngel128 - Fall of Eden (Trial 1: Well done!)

🐛 capturednature - Deception

Group 3: T W E E D L E D E E S

🚶 Pinkainfinity - Project: (Trial 1: Could be done better.)

🚶 mnemosyni - The Quintessences of Cherry & Cigarette

🚶 CHBlackk - Stuck with a Punk (Trial 1: Well done!)

Group 4:  T W E E D L E D U M S 

🏃 Aurora_Margo - Pandora's Box (Trial 1: Well done!)

🏃 helloitsmeabby_  - She's Not there (Trial 1: Well done!)

🏃 CrownedMadness  - Words & Music (Trial 1: Amazing)

Group 5:  M A D H A T T E R S

🎩 OnyxTheNightFury - Nightstryker

🎩 -MePhObIa- - Death Without Dying (Trial 1: Amazing!)

🎩 Unspoken_Uprising - Heir to the Eternal Throne

Group 6: M A R C H H A R E S

🐰 what_acreativeweirdo - Thirst  (Extension MTP I.)

🐰XoWinterScorpioxo - Hidden Kindness (Trial 1: Amazing!)

🐰Heart_of_Dandelions - Was It Fate?  

🛫 Members on a leave 🛫

HermioneTheRavenclaw (Trial 1: Amazing!)

IconicDrift (Extension MTP I.)

One day before Mad Tea Party ends, we will notify you in case you're one of those that hasn't drunk their tea yet. And remember, best reviewer becomes the BOTW. Have fun reading!  

Stay mad, stay bonkers!  

♤♧♡♢ ♤♧♡♢ ♤♧♡♢ ♤♧♡♢ ♤♧♡♢ ♤♧♡♢

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