♤♧ M A D • T E A • P A R T Y • XIV. ♡♢

138 5 33

If you don't care for tea, you could at least make a polite conversation!"

-Lewis Carroll

It's pretty unusual to see that many members left for hiatus. What we mean by 'unusual' is this is the largest the number of people on hiatus ever recorded in this book club. 

Anyway, it's not discouraging in any way because all the new people joined us and decided to share their writing with us!

Maybe what would be good to know is, are you okay with doing BOTW or should we change it in any way to Book of the Month? Sorry, but we think this is obligatory because it is a reward for the one who does explicitly well during a Mad Tea Party. Share your thoughts!

Start each comment with a Bonjour and write a review at least 5 sentences long. Read and review two chapters of your group partners' books.

You can find the book on the Wonderland's Reading List named:

Wonderland Book Club ♤♧♡♢

You have until 4th December 2018 to complete your assignment, that gives you 10 days.


Group 1:  C H E S H I R E C A T S 

😸 HamzaPatel20 - The Death Race

😸 Liriolirio78 - From the Flower to the Nightingale

Group 2: C A T T E R P I L L A R S 

🐛 blackdynamite99 - Choose

🐛 Ruonaa - Faded

🐛  KyleLA221 - The Heist

Group 3: T W E E D L E D E E S 

🚶  venuscorner - Love Me, Mars

🚶 Lureylie_new - Catnap ♛BOTW XIII.

🚶  Aurora_Margo - Pandora's Box ♛ BOTW XIII. 

(That pairing wasn't on purpose, guys, I swear)

Group 4: T W E E D L E D U M S 

 🏃  MatrixDreamer - Celestial

🏃 Cs3ng3 - Wolf Child

🏃   AuthorishNicole - Two Foxes

Group 5: M A D H A T T E R S 

🎩  Rosie_80 - Guilty

🎩 CHBlackk - Stuck with a Punk

🎩   nerdynarrator - Life & Death

!!! A LATE ADDITION !!! (Because we responded a bit late to this, we won't give you a crown if you won't complete it till the end of this Mad Tea Party. We give you time till the end of upcoming BOTW)

bellisimaleela - When It All Goes Wrong

leighyeann - Breaking Point

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