♤♧ B O T W II. ♡♢

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Phew... I'm sorry for the delay peeps! But here we are another week and another BOTW.

In case you guys have missed it, we're also hosting Wonderland Awards. So, if any of you would like to enter, this is the last chance as we start judging the upcoming week :)

Also, we would like to remind you guys, that you can always give us feedback on this Bookclub as we're always looking for ways to improve. So share your thoughts if something is on your mind!

Now, it's time to introduce this week BOTW.  

Please, read and review  2 chapters of this book. Start each comment with Bonjour! And comment below here once you are done. This needs to be done by 26.05.18/05.26.18.



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Red Queens: 

Unspoken_Uprising ♛  MTP II.

PrettyLittleQueenA  ♛ BOTW I.

GwenevierjonesEhimen  ♛ BOTW I. 

Pinkainfinity  ♛ BOTW I.

FallenAngel128  ♛  BOTW I.

Writing challenge:

When some elements come together they create a reaction that can't be reversed. They transcend chemistry. Is this what love feels like? Is this how it begins? Am I even capable of this? –Michael C. Hall, in Dexter  

Feelings are turmoils, waves, ups, and downs...and sometimes we can't place them. Create a character much like Dexter, who observers emotions and feelings, but is quite unable to fully grasp them. Write us at least 500 words ( the limit is 2500 at most,) and send us a link to the story via PM or comment it below. Good luck!

Poetry challenge:

Fallen Empire:

Write a poem about Fallen Empires, their mighty leaders, their achievements in the history of humankind and what remains of them today. No word count. Post the finished poem in the comments below or send it to us via PM. Good luck!  

  Stay mad, Stay bonkers!  

  Stay mad, Stay bonkers!  

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