♤♧ S U M M E R • B R E A K ♡♢

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If you thought you'll get rid of us so easily, you thought wrong! The impossible didn't happen because you believe it was indeed impossible. 

To discuss the real deal why we're doing this. This club mostly has people that need hiatus in the summer. Either that's a vacation, maybe they have to deal with some things or they just can't be a part of a book club for a week or two. ... or three. 

Given the circumstances, where admins will be away for a week, we think it's best if we call it a break. It certainly seems much more fair than to stop posting any updates and get on your bad side, people. 

The Wonderland Book Club will return in September, though. Let's just say these 2 weeks of August are somewhat special. 

After some discussion, we've decided 5th September 2018  would be a good date to return to all the duties and get back to Wonderland through the rabbit hole. 

If you're one of those who hasn't completed the assignments yet, or thinks you won't be able to do them till the date we listed, don't worry about it. You can finish the assignment any time till the 5th September and we won't look at you from the sideway. 

It's a bit scary move for us, though. Last year, we had quite a trouble re-launching the BC again because people lost interest. It needs to be said that the previous book club wasn't as mad as this one, which leaves us more hopeful that things will go back to where there were. 

Just in case something like that was bound to happen, we thought of a solution. 2 days before we return back, that being then 3rd September 2018  we will post a message on our activity board, tagging you all. That will act as a notification and as a question - would you still like to stay with us and participate in the book club?

Please, tell us we made the right call. 

Those who will go on a vacation - enjoy it to the fullest! Have lots of fun and make amazing memories!

Those who have no plans for these two weeks - be as lazy as possible. Cause once we'll get back, we'll make you work like slaves. Kidding! 

... or are we?

Stay mad, stay bonkers!

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