♤♧ B O T W X. ♡♢

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I'm well aware this BOTW should've been published like a week ago but... I kinda forgot x) 

I'm publishing it now and if you just take a look at all the people who still have to do their thing, you can see why I decided to wait with the MTP. 

The club has welcomed so many new members I can hardly process it. It's so amazing to see this bookclub grow, along with the community. Would you be interested in a Wonderland Chat Platform on Slack? 

  Please, read and review 2 chapters of this book. Start each comment with Bonjour! And comment below here once you are done. This needs to be done by 27.09.18 / 09.27.18   



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Red Queens: 

 All the crowns are deleted and all the members can start fresh :) See how good I am? ^-^  

Writing challenge: 

When some elements come together they create a reaction that can't be reversed. They transcend chemistry. Is this what love feels like? Is this how it begins? Am I even capable of this? –Michael C. Hall, in Dexter

Feelings are turmoils, waves, ups, and downs...and sometimes we can't place them. Create a character much like Dexter, who observers emotions and feelings, but is quite unable to fully grasp them. Write us at least 500 words ( the limit is 2500 at most,) and send us a link to the story via PM or comment it below. Good luck!

Poetry challenge: 

The prompt for this week is just a simple word: The Lighthouse

Write a poem with whatever comes to your mind when you see this word. It can be a memory, a piece of folklore, a game, a mug you own at home that has an imprint on it, you have all the freedom here.

Stay mad, stay bonkers! 

Stay mad, stay bonkers! 

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