Hello... (MJ xThunderstorm)

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This was requested by thundclone_4ever .
Hope you enjoy it!
"WTH, why did you shove me??!!" A girl wearing a a blue sweater and shorts,MJ, yelled at Thunderstorm.
"So it was an accident, and you don't need to shout that loud!" The boy replied, annoyed.

By then, blue electric sparks flew everywhere, hitting random people.
And MJ's temper was quickly rising...

"Ceh, whatever..." she grumbled as she stormed off, bringing the sparks with her.

Thunderstorm just stood there watching her.

(Thunderstorm's pov)
Are you kidding me??!! There I go, loosing another chance of talking to MJ.
I just don't get it why she hates me and tries to ignore me...

I walked to Quake, one of the people I often ask for advice, (and I don't ask them very often) who was chatting with another girl.

"Hi Thunderstorm!" He said.
"Hey..." my voice trailed off...

He looked at me with a concern look.
"What's the matter with you? You don't seem ok." He said.
I look at him with look so bad I swear he would have stuff a soap into my mouth.

" Fine, there is this girl who I may have a tiny crush o-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence before he interrupted.
"Really?! My brother is all grown up!" He hugged me while pretending to sob.

Sometimes it think Quake should be a drama teacher when he grows up.

"Before you interrupted me... I have a ti- no ok maybe a huge crush on this girl named MJ." I said.

"But for some reason, she would often ignore me or walk away when I came near to her. Now I don't know what to..." I continued

Quake thought for what seem like a million years.
"Well, Thunderstorm. I think you should just confess your feelings to her." He said

Before I could punch his face, he continued.
"I know you think it's a really bad idea but I'm pretty sure that's the best way for you."

" FINE! I'll. Just do it..." I said, wondering what to do...

(MJ's Pov)
I was gathering books at my locker before the next day when suddenly Thunderstorm, the boy I'm trying to ignore, leans on the locker next to mine.

"What do you want?" I spat at him with a glare.

"Tonight, at the park, 8:00pm" he said before walking away.

Wait... was Thunderstorm trying to tell me something?

(Author 's pov)
When everyone is  asleep, and the author is also about to fall a... Zzzzzzzzz.
(Liz: *hits my head with a frying pan*. Me: IM AWAKE!)
MJ walks to the park, trying to locate where she is.

"$-,;)8/1;6&&/1&;/&,1),&" she said.
Um... while cursing away...
( oh wait, there is a smily face! Liz:*hits head again with frying pan* ouch...)

Finally she sat on one of the bench, waiting for the arrival of Thunderstorm.

"He's not gonna come anyway..." she said to herself before turning around to  be greeted by Thunderstorm 's face, practically scaring her to death.

SLAP! There goes the sound of MJ slapping Thunderstorm.

"Don't scare me like that..." she said with an annoyed face. Thunderstorm just chuckle.

"Anyways what do you want?"MJ ask.

"I want you." He replied. " Wait, wha-" MJ wasn't able to complete her question before Thunderstorm kissed her. A look of shock could be seen on her face.

Finally, the two separated to get some air.

"Wh... why did you do that?" MJ said with a dazed look.

"Answer my question, do you love me?" Thunderstorm asked

"WTH, What kind of question is that?" MJ yelled, her heart beating like crazy.

"Answer it!"

"Actually yes! I love you" MJ answered.

Hi guys author here!
So o don't have a lot of time to do this so I'm just gonna say some simple things.
thundclone_4ever thank you again for your request we really appreciate it!
So pls request what one shot you want to see next.
So , Bye!

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