Moving on( Cyclone x Hurricane )

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Hurricane stood in front of her sisters grave, not talking.

It had been two months since the battle with Adudu. Her sisters' death has been caused by his robots. The image of the situation could not be forgotten in Hurricane's memory.

" Hurricane drill" Hurricane attack Adudu's robot with her powers but all it did was swapped her aside, causing her to land hard in the cold dirt.

Hurricane was unable to move. She had broke her ribs, unable to move, she could only watch helplessly as her sisters and Boboiboy's elemental forms attack the robots.

Suddenly, three of the robots had disappeared. Thunderbolt paused for a moment." Where the hell had they go-!" One of the robots appeared behind her. Hurricane saw the robot shoot its laser towards Thunderbolt. A piercing scream could be heard.

A minute later, Thunderbolt fell on the floor, dead. Thunderstorm ran towards her, crying and praying she is still okay.

Blizzard was charging towards Adudu when when she heard Thunderbolt's scream. Since she was really close to Thunderbolt, she turned her head to make sure she is ok. Another robot stood in front of her, pointing its laser at her. Soon, there was Blizzard screaming in pain, later dead.

The same method was repeated to Hurricane's other sister. Later, there were four more dead bodies on the floor, all belonging to her sisters.

A crying and angered Hurricane slowly got up in pain. The other Boboiboy elements were either next to her dead sisters, crying or pass out , still alive.

Hurricane walked up to the robots and Adudu. " Hahaha, so do you give up now, Boboiboy? These robots are all stronger that you all, including Via," One of the robots opened its claws, attempting to snatch and kill Hurricane.

Hurricane's eyes turned red. " Tornado!" She yelled out loudly. A giant tornado appeared in front of the robot, sucking it and destroying it. Soon, what was left of the robot were a couple of debris.

Hurricane continued to attack the robots, tearing each one apart into small pieces with her anger. She rarely felt this feeling, so she just lost herself.

Ever since the day, Hurricane had stopped laughing about anything. She hasn't even smile a little. Life to her was meaningless.

A hand was placed on her shoulder. Hurricane looked up. There was the smiling face of Cyclone.

" Hey, you have been here many times. You know you should move on right?" Said Cyclone.

Hurricane just continued to look at the graves. " I just can't seem to forget it. I'm not sure can I move on or not." She said.

Cyclone stared at her, his smile drooping a little. " You know that they gave up their lives to save us. I'm pretty sure they will ask you to move on and just forget it."

" You sure?" " Why not?" He said with a grin

Hurricane woke up gasping for air. She was in her own bedroom.

" Please tell me that didn't happened." She thought.

Hurricane got up and checked her sisters room, to find them all still sleeping. She signed with relief.

" Well, at least that didn't happened. " she thought.

She didn't know that that was what is happening in another dimension.

Hi, guys . Author here, so you are probably wondering about the ending. Answer: I also have no idea. I just feel like putting like an unusual ending for this one shot.

So please request for any ships of your character or yourself or my other book characters.

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