Daughter of Dracula

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Listen to this song even though it has nothing to do with this chapter, it just sound nice. (To me....)

For Golden_slave989 who answered the question ^^
Warning: cringy story and bad story plot
On to the story!
"No you are not allowed to go out, I forbide you." The one and only, Count Dracula, said to his only daughter, Mella.

Mella groaned out loud. "It's only going to be short walk. I'll just walk around the wood, maybe bring a victim and probably 'make some friends'!" She begged with a little sarcasm at the last part.

Dracula was not persuaded. "No absolutely not, if you weren't my only heir, I would let you go, but you are so no." He said plainly.

"Gee, I don't know whether is that an insult or a compliment." Mella said sarcastically.

"Mella..." Dracula warned, he was on the verge on lashing out his anger at every single thing.

Mella sighed. "Dad, just please. It's not like it will kill me..."

The older man thought for a moment. "Well, considering you need to spend time out and go hang out with kids you age..." he said. "I guess, just for this time, you can go."

"YESSSS!!!" Mella sprinted down the halls and entered her room, packed a bag full of necessary items, said goodbye to dad, blah blah blah, and went on her way.

A certain teenage boy stood outside of his house. Silent and almost invisible, he gazed at the full moon, a red and black cap covering his eyes.

He was waiting for something or rather someone. But what was it, he didn't really know but he just felt that something was going to happen.

"THUNDERSTORM GET INTO THE FREAKIN HOUSE!!!" A loud voice broke the peaceful atmosphere. Annoyed, the boy, Thunderstorm, reluctantly went back into the house.

The boy was greeted by one of his brother, named Ice. Ice did not looked happy.

"What did you call me for?" Thunderstorm said annoyed. Even though Ice was just his younger brother, he still had to respect him or else he will get fried by their other brother, Earthquake.

"Why were you staying out so long? The creatures of the night are probably out now. You could have gotten caught or worse injured." Ice replied. (Yes in this chapter I'm making ice a bit more caring for his brothers)

"Sorry..." Thunderstorm said, head bowed down. " I just feel like I'm suppose to be out there..."

"Huh? I guess you could stay out..." Ice glared at Thunderstorm. " BUT ONLY FOR A WHILE!"

Then, he dramatically slammed the door in front of Thunderstorm. ( idk why I put these in here 😂😂😂)

[Wth a certain daughter of Dracula...]
Mella was bored out of her mind.

Yes, she had walked around the entire place, scaring a few people for no absolute reasons, went sightseeing. But now with nothing to do, she was totally bored.

If you are wondering why she doesn't turn into a bat and fly around, well, that's because vampires don't turn into bats. What do you think their bones do? Shrink?
And those myths about vampires burning under the sun are not true too. (But their skins do itch is they stay out under the sun too long.) Merely, those are probably to entertain those who for some reason want to scare themselves out. (I'm one of those people...)

That is until, she saw the boy.

She was walking in the streets, playing a little game by herself, when she saw a boy about 14 years old, standing outside a house.

Curious, she walked up to the boy. She was wearing casual clothing and not one of those clothing that vampires wear in movies, so she wasn't worried about her appearance.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Mella asked the boy, who took one glance at her before turning his head away.

"It's nothing you should care about." The boy snapped at her, glaring at her coldly with those crimson eyes.

Mella huffed at the boy. He was definitely testing her temper. "Well, I was just asking you a question. It's not like I'm asking you about your personal info like : what's your name?"

"Thunderstorm." The boy said in a soft voice, barely audible.

"Say what?"

"My name is Thunderstorm."

"Well, good to see you. The name is Mella." Mella put out her hand to shake his. Thunderstorm look at her carefully before shaking it.

[After sometime with Mella and Thunderstorm talking about random things because your author can't think about what to put here....]

Mella tensed. She look up at the sky.

Dawn was approaching.

Mella quickly stood up. How long has she been there? She didn't know. All she know was that she had to leave now.

She was about to leave when Thunderstorm took her hand in his. The sudden contact made Mella shocked and a bit flustered.

"Hey could I have you number before you go?" Thunderstorm asked.

Her number? Uh... well she doesn't have her own phone yet... and she definitely can't tell that she's the daughter of Count Dracula... but she can use the castles phone.

Mella quickly jotted down the phone numbers in a piece of paper and handed it to Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm gave her his numbers too.

"Well, see you soon Mella." Thunderstorm said before turning away and entering the house.

Mella looked back where Thunderstorm had been. Sunlight had reach her skin and was starting to make her skin itch but she doesn't care anymore.

Mella look at Thunderstorm's number, a grin slowly creeping on her face. She had to get back soon, and she most likely have to deal with her fathers lecture about being out for too long and whatnot.

But she didn't care anymore.

At least she had made her first friend. Namely, Thunderstorm. Whether it might turn it into something good or bad, that's to let fate choose.

Mella turned and ran back to her home, thinking about the numbers in her hand.

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