Chapter 2: Hidden in the Sand

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Keiko wanted to reach the Village Hidden in the Sand quickly. She knew it was a risk if she were spotted, but flying was the fastest option. Luckily the cloud coverage was low and a fog was rolling in, so she decided to take the chance. This way at least she was unlikely to have to tango with many shinobi from rival villages. She stared fixedly into the silence. Why now of all times? She had just found happiness with Kakashi and they were going to be married. Kakashi thought since no one knew about their relationship, they should send out the invitations on the Western holiday April Fool's Day. He thought it would be funny since no one would know if they were serious or not. Idiot, she grimaced while half smiling.

She had lived so many lifetimes but never really found love. Some of the Yōkai could live many hundreds of years. She was outcast by her clan in feudal Japan for her views on humans. Being kind to them was not a popular view. Most of the Yōkai thought they were gods by comparison to humans. Only her uncle Tōga felt the way she did, and her cousin Sesshomaru even though he pretended otherwise. She had seen him with that human Rin in tow everywhere he went. She had heard of her cousin Inuyasha traveling between times through a wishing well and she went in search of it, hoping to find somewhere else she could find purpose.

It was a fruitless search for the wishing well, but she came across a tear in time and space inside a cave in the forest. Ancient writings surrounded it and a stack of crumbling books sat on a shelf nearby. It appeared long abandoned. After deciphering some of it, she discovered that she could not just travel in time, but to other worlds. She decided that she would travel to other worlds and learn their magics and arts. She ultimately found her home in helping the people of these worlds learn to defend themselves. But she was ever still the outsider. She had a dozen homes, and she had none.

Something about the shinobi of this world made her stay. Perhaps part of it was that they took her in and made her one of them before they even knew anything about her. Other worlds she often had to prove herself first. There was constantly a desire to prove oneself among the shinobi, but they were all family from the beginning. The only exception seemed to be that Naruto kid, but in time they had accepted him as well.

She sighed. Thinking on her family, she realized she hadn't even gotten a chance to explain to Kakashi about Inu-Hanyō. If they did have a child, it would be just like Inuyasha. She hoped Kakashi would love it just the same as he loved her, but it was a lot for a human to swallow.

She landed silently on the Kazekage's balcony and listened. They seemed to be rather lax in security with the Atatsuki on the move, she sniffed. She reached for the sliding door and before she could open it, it flew open. Sand surrounded her and pulled her inside. "So much for complaining about security," she thought, grumbling as she got up off the floor.

Garaa-sama's eyes narrowed. "It's considered rude in a strange village to not use the front door," he said in monotone.

"My apologies Kazekage-sama," said Keiko expressionlessly, "I'm not from this world and still manage to ruin the customs spectacularly." She looked around the room. She could swear she saw almost a grin cross his face, but it was gone as soon as she had a chance to look again.

"If you're wondering where the guards are, we are preparing. The Akatsuki are on the move, as is Orochimaru. We don't want to take any chances. I wasn't sure how much help the Leaf Village would be," he said.

"That's kind of why I am here," she said.


She paused, trying to maintain a passive expression even though inside her stomach was in knots. She never truly belonged anywhere before now, and this moment could ruin that for her.

"I...I wanted to discuss with you the council's determination," she said.

"I see. I had heard the discussions of course, but I didn't realize anything had been decided. A messenger was just sent to the Hidden Leaf two days ago," he said.

"Tomorrow two squads are being sent to try and assist you in locating the Akatsuki and gather intelligence. I overheard that I am supposed to be with them. But I came now because I want it to be clear I am acting alone on this," she said. Sand started to shuffle slowly and menacingly at her feet. "I'm not here to attack you," she said quickly, sensing the danger, "I am here to tell you that I can't follow the wishes of the council...I'm pregnant you see."

The sand stopped. "And I take it that your Hokage doesn't know about this."

"No," she said, "but as a medical ninja, I'm sure she soon will. Kakashi and I were planning to announce our engagement after the Akatsuki recon mission."

"I see. Well in that case, I guess I should escort you back to your village and smooth things over with the Hokage. Perhaps we can come to some other agreement before I talk to my council."

"But what about the Hidden Sand? What if it is attacked while you are away?"

"We won't be long. It sounds like we better get back before they realize you are gone. I assume since you got here so quickly that you have a means to do so?" He asked.

They walked out to the balcony and Baki was sitting crouched on the ledge, obviously having sensed Keiko's arrival. "We are going to the Village Hidden in the Leaf. I will be back in two days," said Gaara.

"But Kazekage-sama," interjected Baki.

"It is regarding the council's decree. It's important. Two days. Keep preparing the village," Gaara said.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama."

Keiko's boa grew and wrapped unto a cushion beneath Gaara as they took to the sky.

"Well this is an interesting jutsu."

"It's not," Keiko mumbled.

Gaara looked at her appraisingly. "Why did they choose you to join our villages?" he asked.

Keiko sighed, "I suppose it's because they think that we are the same."

"How so?" he breathed, his tone not changing but his interest peaked.

"Well, you are Jinchuriki," she said, "And I am Yōkai."

His eyes widened, a million questions rushing through his mind.

"I don't think it was meant in cruelty or to point out an obvious difference between you and others," she continued, "I think they wanted to give you someone that could really understand you so you wouldn't feel alone. I think that they got the idea from Naruto's respect for you."

So, he feels the same about me as well. Naruto. "So, you are not Jinchuriki? What do you mean you ARE a Yōkai? You don't have one sealed inside of you?" he asked.

Keiko's youthful face sharpened and began to elongate. Her eyes turned red as her fangs grew. Gaara nearly fell off; the cork of his gourd wiggling free preparing to defend. She allowed her face to shrink back to normal. "My world... it is owned by the Yōkai mostly; at least in the era I am from. There are not only 9 as you have on this world, though the ones you have on this world are very powerful. On my world, there are lesser Yōkai as well. Many demons would seek to destroy humans, but a few of us have evolved. That doesn't mean that humans have," she said sourly, "but there are good and bad apples in every race I suppose."

"In another time, we probably could have been good together. But I really respect you and would love to be your friend," she continued.

For the first time since her arrival, she really smiled. Gaara stared at her in wonder, taking in the features that a moment ago looked like a monster. He realized how beautiful she really was. "I would like that."

Resonance (Kakashi x OC, Gaara x OC) -- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now