Chapter 20: Snake

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"That really was a clever plan, Kabuto," Orochimaru praised.

"Well it helps to have allies that are so skilled in genjutsu . Still, I'm really surprised it fooled Uchiha Itachi . I didn't think it was going to be so easy to make it appear like she was leaving with them when she was really leaving with us," he shrugged.

Keiko felt weak, her strength being sapped by the bonds. Her face elongated as she growled. She was infuriated, first being handed off to the Akatsuki, and then to Orochimaru . If she only could get free, they would be obliterated in an instant. She was done playing games. This time, there was no one among the enemy she really needed alive. A snake coiled around her, glowing a menacing purple and black. It hissed when it felt her move.

"Kabuto tells me you have a rather interesting set of attributes. A reasonable chakra, magic..." Orochimaru grinned.

".. and she's as close to immortal as...non-humanly possible," finished Kabuto.

Keiko struggled against her restraints again. She felt like she was being suffocated.

"There's no need for that my dear. Kabuto has been following and studying you for some time. We know there are things you can do beyond regular shinobi. I had these designed special," He crooned as he nodded towards the bonds.

Keiko's fangs grew and her eyes turned murderous. If she could only transform...she could break out of these bonds.

"It's kind of pathetic really, how easily you were captured by the Akatsuki with your power," Kabuto mocked. "You've been distracted by your emotions. I've been shadowing your steps and you seldom noticed I was there."

"It's just as well. They saved me the trouble of trying to take you under the Village's nose. They'll be looking to find you among the Akatsuki," said Orochimaru , "and long before they manage that, our plans will be under way."

He laughed as he watched her snap at her bonds with her teeth in defiance, trying to fight the suppressing power of the glow.

"So tell me," Orochimaru paused as the snake continued to coil, "what kind of creature comes from a Yōkai and a human?"

"My research indicates that even a Hanyō possesses many of the same attributes, including long life," Kabuto answered. Orochimaru's grin widened greedily.

"If you want me to lie with you, then you may as well kill me now. There is no power you possess that is going to convince me to sleep with you," she snarled.

"Oh my dear, we have other ways if it came to that, but no, not me," he laughed mechanically. "I wanted the Sharingan from my next vessel. The timing of finding you was perfect really. None of my vessels live long. It would be such a waste to have to dispose of Uchiha Sasuke in only a few years. And volunteers are so difficult to come by. What better way than to breed my own."

Sasuke entered the room and crouched on a step, listening.

"No way," she growled, "I am not going to lay with a child."

"By that standard, you've been robbing the cradle since you came to this world immortal one. Your Kazekage is barely older than Sasuke here. Besides, he comes of age in a few days if you're really that worried. I can wait."

Her brows furrowed deeper as she clenched her teeth.

"I stand by what I said before. You can fight me, or you can kill me while I'm restrained, like a coward."

"Oh I have no intention of killing you. The Akatsuki are shortsighted. They couldn't see the value in keeping you whole. In the hundreds of years you may live, you will provide me with many vessels. Hopefully in time you will join me willingly and there won't be a need for such barbaric measures."

Keiko took to a knee as she felt her strength continue to leave her.

"Sasuke. Why don't you take your guest to her room and get...better acquainted with her," Orochimaru laughed. He continued laughing as Sasuke dragged her away, the sound echoing through the chamber.

Sasuke tossed her on the bed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you."

Keiko remained tense, still snarling.

"I came here to get power from Orochimaru, not the other way around. Sleeping with a demon doesn't really fit into my agenda."

"So what are you going to do with me?"

"Well," he said, "you coming here complicates things. I'll kill you if I have to, though I imagine that would upset the Village Hidden in the Leaf a great deal and that's not really part of my plan either. I may have to make a move sooner than I planned."

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