Chapter 24: The Five Kage Summit

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There wasn't any time to get word out to all the villages before the Summit. Gaara knew that the delegations furthest away would likely already be on their way. He kept regular communication with the Hokage regarding the situation. She dispersed several teams to sweep the area between the villages in search of signs of the Akatsuki. Gaara dispatched teams to join them. So far, they had come up with nothing.

The delegations began to arrive that day and Gaara had to see to making sure they settled into their accommodations. Staff from the palace was running around making sure all the special requests of the guests were met.

"Kazekage-sama," came a voice from behind him as he was giving instructions to one of the palace staff.

"Hokage-sama, I'm glad you made it ok."

"Quite, but I need to speak with you," said Tsunade shortly.

They went up to his office and he closed the door.

"We've been having problems with a rogue faction in our ANBU black ops called the foundation. Their leader, Danzo, has since been discovered working with Orochimaru. He wants me dead. I have concerns that they may target this meeting in order to overthrow me or otherwise target any of the Kage that don't support his vision," he said.

"That, on top of the Akatsuki. It seems like they're always vying against us."

"Yes, but the Akatsuki are also mercenaries. We think, in part, they're working for someone. This business with the tailed beasts is obviously to try and increase their power, but to what end?" She said biting her thumb in thought. "Regardless, we know Orochimaru is working for himself, not that it makes all that much difference."

"I've stationed additional protection surrounding the Summit in addition to the forces that the other Kage brought. There's not much we can do now but be ready for whatever happens."

Each Kage brought two guards into the meeting. They stood next to their respective leader in the chamber as the Kage all sat.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Kazekage-sama," began the Raikage.

Gaara bowed slightly.

"There has been growing concern regarding the movement of these Akatsuki. We know that they have attacked each village in turn taking the Jinchūriki, but we are unsure what they plan to do with that power," the Raikage continued, "I am sure some of you have come to the same conclusion I have, that they may be working in part on behalf of a benefactor."

"Still," chimed in the Tsuchikage, "the Akatsuki in their own perverse way believe they are making the world a better making it miserable for the rest of us."

"Before we continue, I wanted to mention some concerns regarding the Akatsuki. There was insufficient time to get word out to everyone when we heard, but they have allegedly been sighted in the surrounding countryside searching for someone," said Gaara.

"For who?" asked the Mizukage.

"My wife," said Gaara flatly.

They all stared at him, amazed.

"What particular interest do they have in your wife?" asked the Raikage.

"There's a concern that they may use her power to amplify that of the Jinchūriki. We thought she had been captured by the Akatsuki weeks ago, but the fact that they are looking for her and we haven't heard from her leads us to believe maybe she is in the hands of someone else," said Tsunade.

"Like who?" asked the Tsuchikage.

"Orochimaru," said Gaara in a hollow voice.

"So what does HE want with her, and why are the Kazekage and the Hokage both privy to this information," said the Tsuchikage in an accusatory tone.

"Keiko is from the Hidden Leaf originally. As this threat has been growing, we have been trying to make friends with surrounding villages to unite in peace so we stand a chance. It is obvious that alone, the Akatsuki have been able to march into each of our villages in turn and do as they please," said Gaara.

"And yet you are the only Jinchūriki to survive the Akatsuki. How exactly is that?" asked the Tsuchikage darkly.

"A reanimation jutsu from one of our elders. She sacrificed herself to save me. I am no longer a host to Shukaku," answered Gaara. "My wife is...unique. She is very strong and three Akatsuki members were able to take us both on. They are quite the formidable foe and this concerns me greatly that they managed to do so both under my nose and at the borders of a village of our friends."

He continued, "As for Orochimaru, we believe his interest in her lies in the fact that he is looking for a new host."

"What is she...that both the Akatsuki and Orochimaru want her power so badly?" asked the Mizukage quietly.

"Someone interested in peace between all shinobi," answered the Hokage before Gaara could say anything. She was right of course. There was already deep mistrust between the villages. The knowledge that the sand had another Yōkai could only work against them.

"Perhaps if we just killed her, there would be no need for concern!" shouted the Tsuchikage.

Gaara balled his fist tightly but said nothing as arguing broke out in the room.

After a moment, he stood and slapped his hand down on the table, "Stop," he said in a commanding tone. They all looked at him.

"I will do anything it takes to get her back. I'm asking you to help me. If nothing comes of it and she can't be saved, she would want this; all of us, working together. I've experienced what it's like to live under mistrust as a Jinchūriki, and it makes us weak to be divided. Since the Sand has been willing to accept our neighbors in the Leaf, we are stronger against this threat than we've ever been. We didn't unite to work against anyone in this room. The threat is out there," he said pointing toward the door. "We are asking you to join us against it," growled Gaara.

He stood up straight and looked at them all. They still kept their eyes silently fixed on him. "For the last ten days, I've known that my wife is not with the Akatsuki. She's out there somewhere, and I've been here because I know the good of all the villages is most important. That's ten days I've had to abandon her when I could have been looking for her," he wavered.

"Kazekage-sama," whispered the Mizukage.

"You have moved me son," said the Tsuchikage. "In your position...I highly doubt anyone who has lost so much against the Akatsuki and Orochimaru could be in league with them. I support the Kazekage's request to join forces."

"As do I," said the Mizukage.

"The Kazekage has my support as well," nodded Tsunade.

"Very well," said the Raikage. "From now on then we will be known as the Allied Shinobi Forces. Regular communication is to be kept between the villages and I recommend a delegate from each village stay as a guest in each of the others during the duration of our hunt. These delegates should hold the trust of their Kage and be able to be their voice in each village."

"Agreed," they said.

"I'm not sure if it helps you son," said Tsuchikage, turning to Gaara, "but we've been getting reports of movement from sound ninja near the Village Hidden in the Mist. Have you heard anything Mizukage-sama?"

"Yes, we have been having some trouble with them lately. People have been going missing, but we've been unable to pin down exactly where they are operating from. It's a possibility they are working for Orochimaru as they have in the past."

"I'll begin preparing my people immediately. After I send the delegates from the Sand, I'd like to mobilize forces to look for the Akatsuki and Orochimaru," said Gaara.

They all nodded in agreement.

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