3. 'At The Party'

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Shivani was sitting on her bed crying when the door opened. She looked up at her father and saw the sorry look that covered his face.

"Can I come in?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Dad," she stood, "you're already in."

"I'll remember to knock next time."

"Dad!" She marched to him and hugged him tightly. "You don't ever have to knock to come into my room."

He sat down on the sofa and pulled her down beside him. After gathering her into his arms again and kissed her forehead. "Shivani I'm sorry. I know how you felt to see Sonakshi sit where your Mom used to sit. But I didn't mean to be rude or not understand. She sat there because Sia was sitting on the next chair. Not because she wanted to take your Mom's place. No one could ever do that."

Now despite of her anger, she hugged her father back again.

"You owe her an apology." She nodded.

"Now would you like to go to 'Kold Stone?'?"

"No Dad I..."

"I'll let you drive."

"Really?" She looked up at his grin.

"Really. Who else?"

"Just us. It's always nice to go somewhere alone with you. You're a fun girl."

"And you're the best Dad." She kissed his cheek and they both stood.

Saturday's were Sonakshi's days off. She wasn't responsible for any of the girls. But on the third Saturday, when Dev asked her to look after the girls she refused. When he asked why, she replied by saying she had already made another commitment. Now he didn't ask what this other commitment was and she couldn't tell him she had found herself a charming guy.

Now as Dev drove his car to Mr. and Mrs. Singhania's party with his date Natasha Gujral beside him, he couldn't help but wonder where Sonakshi Bose was at the moment. Although Dev had planned he would cancel his plans for the night and take his daughter out to a movie and dinner, he was forced to change his plans when Natasha pleaded him to come along. Shivani agreed to look after Sanjana and Sia and forced him to go as well.

A part of him was glad that he wasn't going to go at first because it was a formal party which meant he had to dress up. And wearing a dinner jacket for hours was beyond his control. But he had to please Natasha. They were dating each other after all. And after being married, he knew how to treat a lady well.

"How's the new Nanny?" She asked in him in a sweet voice to break the silence that had surrounded them for the past fifteen minutes.

"She's ok. Sia and Sanjana love her. And then Shivani... you know her."

"Good. I'm glad it's working out with the Nanny. At least we won't have to leave early."

He looked at her carefully. "Why would we have to leave early??."

She shrugged. "Well you know-" she waived a hand around to make it sound casual. "the kids."

Dev was disappointed in her comment. "Don't worry. We can stay for as long as we wish tonight."

"Oh thank you! It's going to be so much fun! And I'm hoping she won't run away this time... specially because of Shivani."

"Natasha," he tried his best not to show his irritation towards her at the moment. He kept his voice calm as well. "Shivani is taking care of the girls."

"Oh! I'm thrilled. She thinks she's the princess of the world." She sounded disgusted and so un-lady like.

Dev gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly to keep himself calm. Only if Natasha understood that Shivani was a normal sixteen year old girl. Only if Natasha understood what it felt like to lose a mother at such a young age. Shivani was a good kid. Her teachers never complaint against her in school. She has been on the honor roll, gold, since fourth grade. In her entire life she had only got one "C" on her report card which was in Geometry. Which she made up to an "A" during summer school. As far as her behavior was concerned, he didn't care. She was acting like another teen in this world. The important factor was that, she understood her mistakes. That was a fact because she had said sorry to Sonakshi before they had left for 'Kold Stone' that night.

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