15. 'We are a Family'

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"What do we do now?" Sonakshi asked stirring her drink, sitting in front of Shivani.
"After last week's sudden fire he hugged me and hasn't touched me since. He hasn't once just sat and talked to me, and I feel like I'm back where I was the first day I got here."

"Can you cook?" Shivani asked as Mrs Jones walked into the room with a cup of coffee.

"Yes I can. But what does that have to do with anything? Thank you Mrs Jones."

"Mrs Jones." Shivani stopped her. "You're going on a vacation for a few weeks, which is fully paid."

"Shivani but Dev Sir will be upset." The old lady said.

"Not when we tell him your daughter fell sick."

"You will lie to your father?" Mrs Jones asked. "Moreover why do I have to go?"

"Because I want Sonakshi to take over the house for the next week or so. Please Mrs Jones. You haven't taken a vacation for a long time now."

"Alright. At least I know I'm still getting paid." With a sigh she left.

"Shivani?" Sonakshi looked at her. "What's in your mind?"

"Since Mrs Jones is leaving now, we have to get Dad to get used to you."

"Ah!" She smiled. "And then ignore him."

"Exactly. When Dad gets back today nothing will be cooked. Since he's learned how to cook he will be in charge for tonight, you will help him. Tomorrow however when he gets home everything will be done, and it will be for the next few days. Until he gets back one day and we lie to him that we've told Grandma everything and you guys are ready for the divorce."

"No." She shook her head and stood up. "He loves me and I know that for a fact. I can't tell him that because he will shatter."
Shivani frowned now, but at herself.
Maybe if she didn't made a big deal about Sonakshi, earlier things would have been different now. She loved him so much. "If he loves you why hasn't he told you yet?"

Sonakshi turned around and smiled. "Because he still thinks that I still want to get out of this marriage."

"Then why don't you tell him that you love him?"

She rolled her eyes, "because I want him to tell me first."

"Hmmmm. Hey, your birthday is in two days."

"Yes, two days is actually tomorrow. I'm only going to be a year older." She sighed and the phone rang. Sonakshi picked it up. "Hello."

"Hi Sonakshi." It was Dev's voice. "What's up?"

"The ceiling, unless you're planning to get that taken out. Why did you call Dev?" Shivani turned the speaker on.

He frowned, "I need help."

"That you do. But how can I help you right now?"

"I hate you Sonakshi."

Shivani rolled her eyes and turned the speaker off, walking away.

"That's nothing new. Why don't you tell me what you need?" She picked up her glass and walked into the kitchen.

"Can you just tell me if you..."

"If I?" She looked out the window. "Dev?"

"Yes. I wanted to know if you can pick-up Sia from her classes today."

Sonakshi rolled her eyes and hit her hand against her forehead. "Dev, you're an idiot. Yes, I can pick up Sia. And, by the way you're going to have to come home and cook today, Mrs Jones is on vacation."

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