8. 'Heart to Heart'

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"I'll draw you a bath, you'll feel better." Sonakshi was calmer now than she was thirty minutes ago. But she wasn't ready to let go, the girl was frightened like cat who had a dog chasing her. "Would you like that?" He asked looking down at her. She nodded and pulled away. He walked into his bathroom and then allowed her to take a bath in there closing the door behind him.

Sonakshi soaked her body in the hot water but continued to tremble. When she relaxed completely she felt the muscles in her body loosen up. What would have happened today if Dev didn't reach home on time? She wondered closing her eyes and laying head against the back of the tub.

The hot water had enough power to calm every thing in her down, but the bruises on her back still hurt when she shifted. God knew how long it would be until they would go away.

When the water started to cool down Sonakshi drained it out and stepped out, looking around for something to wrap herself in. She found Dev's robe, but ignored it and continued looking around. When she didn't find anything else she took the robe and wrapped herself in it, loosely tying it at her waist.

When she stepped back into the room Dev wasn't there and suddenly she was terrified again. She heard foot steps coming towards the room and she jumped back against the wall.

The door opened a few minutes later and Dev found Sonakshi in the corner of the room, hugging herself frightened once again. He placed the mug in his hand down and rushed to her.

"Don't come near me," she screamed trying to go further into the wall, and then started crying when she couldn't. Shouted again when Dev didn't stop. "Don't come near me!" The scream was louder.
Dev dropped down and held her by the shoulders and shook her. "Sonakshi calm down. For gods sake calm down. It's me."
She looked at him and quickly stood up, and then grabbed his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Dev." Her hand went to her head and everything started spinning like it had when she met with that accident a month ago. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to faint." She felt herself fall and then darkness.

When she opened her eyes later she was in Dev's bed still in the bathrobe and there were dim lights in the room. She sat up as Dev walked back into the room. "Are you ok? You scared me to death when you fainted in my feet, god. Don't ever do that again." He helped her sit back up and then sat down beside her.

He had changed into a night suit now. She was so glad none of the girls would be home tonight. "Thank you Dev for coming early. I owe you."

"No you don't." He handed her a mug of green tea. "When you called I was coming home anyways. Somehow you didn't turn the phone off but didn't speak either. When I called home and no one picked up I knew something was wrong and I just drove faster than I already was."

She managed a small smile and then hugged him. "Thank you anyways." Dev took a second to hold her back, but as soon as he did the door flew open and they both pulled away.

Shivani stood at the door with a smile that was fading. "Now this is a scene I would have hated if I missed." She walked in as Dev stood up. "Another lady in my mothers bed, in my fathers bathrobe. Wonderful."

"Stop it, Shivani." Dev walked to her angry. "You were spending the night at Erin's what happened?"

"Her sister-in-law went in labor suddenly and I asked grandma to drop me here." She looked at her father and then at Sonakshi disgusted.

"We need to talk Dad." She said as Dev's mother came behind them shocked. She took his hand and pulled him away while Sonakshi sat in bed with tears in her eyes. This was ridiculous, in anger she left the mug on the bed to spill and marched into her room.

"Shivani will you stop it, and listen to me."
"No!" Dev's mother stood. "You need to give us an explanation of what was happening in there."

"Firstly, nothing." He folded his arms and looked at both of them. "Secondly, if anything was happening I think I'm old enough to handle my love life without help of my mother or my daughter."

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