4. 'Bondings'

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It was a cool May evening, cool and crisp. Sonakshi sat down on a swing and looked into the sky and towards the few starts that were out. Then she noticed the full moon and smiled. It was reminded her of her mother. She missed sitting with her, sleeping in her lap as she caressed her, rockedj her to sleep when she could.

"Sonakshi." With the same pleasant smile she turned her head and looked at Dev Dixit. "You didn't tell me you were going to be here."

She continued sitting, he wasn't her boss here. "Yes, Neil invited me and I couldn't say no."

Behind them they heard the slow music playing. Dev looked back at her disappointed face as she looked through the door at Neil.

"Would you like a dance?"

Sonakshi looked at him with her mouth hanging down. "No. I'm sorry my shoes... my feet hurt."

"Take them off."

"No Dev. Really. We should go back." She wanted the dance so badly. But Dev was her boss and she was here with Neil. She stood up and walked away, nervously.

"You didn't tell me your nanny attended such high-class parties." Natasha asked relaxing her shoulders, in an annoyed tone.

"First of all she's not my nanny and second of all it's her life. I don't give a damn about what she does or doesn't do. That's her personal life which I don't have to do anything with."

Dev relax his own shoulders and let out a deep breath he was simply being unreasonable. Natasha asked a simple question. Moreover he had wondered the same thing upon seeing her. Why would Sonakshi Bose be at such a party?

Because she was dating Neil. That's why!

Dev looked out his window annoyed with the fact the girl was dating Neil Singhania. That man wasn't for her. She was making a big mistake by dating him.

Why does it worry you, Dev? Dev caught his lip between his teeth and bit hard. Why do I care? He released his lip and told himself that he was worried for her. She was a nice girl and Neil wasn't a nice guy. He was a Casanova and everyone knew of it. He had to warn her about him before it was too late.

Neil took Sonakshi to a romantic candle night dinner around eleven that night. The entire place was booked for just them. When she stepped inside it seemed like she was dreaming. The entire hotel was lit with scented candles. There were violinists playing romantic music for them, lightly. It had been something Sonakshi had always wished for but never thought she would get it. Today when she sat down with Neil for the dinner she found out that she didn't care. He was a darling, that was for sure. He made her laugh and gave her all his attention. Finally, complimented her. He pampered her throughout the night and then dropped her back home around one.

Neil opened the door for her and she stepped out taking his hand.

"Thank you, Neil. It was a special night." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Good night."

"Good night. How about dinner next Saturday?" He brushed a finger down her bare arm. Sonakshi felt uncomfortable but didn't back away. Instead smiled. "At my house. Maybe we can go shopping for my new apartment and then have dinner there."

Sonakshi placed a hand on his chest when he tried to kiss her. "Call me and then we'll see. I should go now."

"Alright." He stepped back annoyed and let her leave.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Sonakshi quickly sat down on the dinning table and dropped the napkin to her lap.

"It's ok." Dev sipped his coffee.

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