Lindir- I Thought I Lost you

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A/n: requested by the wonderful Calaerdes_of_Mirwood. Mellon nin, I hope you enjoy!!

A note. That was all you had left Lindir when you had left Rivendell. Your father, Lord Elrond, took you with him to Dol Guldur to save Mithrandir from the evil forces of Sauron. Up until that point, everyone thought the Dark Lord had been defeated.

Lindir had begged for you not to go, but you had to obey your father. When Elrond returned to Imladris without you, Lindir nearly fainted. "Where is she?"

Elrond looked to his friend, slightly confused. "Who?"

Lindir folded his arms across his chest. "Y/n. She's my best friend please tell me where she is!"

Elrond sighed. "Y/n has gone to warn Thranduil and his people that they are walking into a trap. We believe that Lord Sauron has returned to Middle Earth."

The younger Ellon nearly fainted again. Sauron? Here? As if his day couldn't get any worse. Lord Elrond knew how the minstrel felt about his youngest, and he also knew that you reciprocated the feelings. However, he didn't want to interfere with the forces of the world, so he would things fall into place on their own.

When you returned from the battle, you were different. The horrors of battle had left you scarred, emotionally and physically. Lindir was the first to greet you. As soon as you saw your best friend, you wrapped your arms around him in a hug.

Lindir staggered back in surprise, but hugs you back. It wasn't until you started crying that he became worried. "Shh, Mellon nin," he whispered in your pointed ear.

He took you to the healing wing, where your father fixed up your wounds. The entire time you sat there the battle kept replaying in your head. Lindir stood in the corner as your arm was bandaged. You winced when your father tied the cloth.

"I want you to rest now, Y/n. You've been through a lot," your father said. He kissed your forehead before leaving the room.

You look over at Lindir, who was still in the corner. "I'm sorry."

Lindir slowly came over to you and sat down. "I was worried about you. When your father came back without you, I thought the worst. Every night I would pray to the Valar for your safety."

You lean against his arm. "I missed you so much. I felt like I had to prove myself to Ada, being the youngest and all."

The brunette elf smiled to himself. He knew you were always trying to prove yourself, it was something he admired about you.

Over the next few months, you started to return to your former self on the outside. The inside, however, was a different story. You were plagued by nightmares and would often wake up in the middle of the night. Tonight was one of those nights. You slid out of bed, grabbed your dressing gown, and made your way to Lindir's chambers.

He was the only one who knew about the nightmares. His music would calm you down and make you fall asleep. It was starting to become a nightly thing for you both. Lindir opened the door after the second knock, his appearance somewhat dishevelled. He rubbed his chocolate eyes when the moonlight hit his face.

"Y/n," he asked sleepily.

You move past him into the room. When the door closes Lindir takes you in his arms, stroking your long h/c hair. Your arms wrap around his thin figure as you cried into his chest. It broke his heart seeing you like this. It killed him even more knowing that because you weren't married, it was considered improper by going into his chambers late at night. An idea then came into his head.

"Marry me?"

You pull back just enough to look at him. "What?"

"Y/n, I can't stand seeing you this way. I love you with all my heart, and this way we aren't doing anything improper."

You hadn't even thought about that. The truth was, you did love Lindir, but you never imagined he felt the same. "You love me?"

Lindir smiled and cupped your cheek, stroking his thumb over it. "I've loved you since you came to dinner covered in mud when we were elflings. I remember thinking to myself that you were the only one for me."

You giggled. "Nana wasn't too happy with that."

Lindir chuckled. "No, she wasn't. But please, melamin, tell me your answer."

You looked into his chocolate eyes then leaned in to kiss him. Lindir deepened the kiss and held onto you, as though his life depended on it. "I would be more than happy to be your wife, Lindir."

For the first time in a long time, you had a restful night and you finally felt like you found your place in life.

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