Chapter 12

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Almost immediately I heard a knock on my door. Did he fly here? I got up and opened the door.

There was Lucas covered in sweat, he was panting and tried to catch his breath. Don't judge me but he was kinda hot like that.

He immediately hugged me

"What what? Please tell me what happened" he looked so terrified and concerned .

"Oh my god calm down Lucas! Come in"

Aww he actually cares..

He grabbed my hand, dragged me and we flopped into the couch.

"So.. say it" he looked into my eyes.

"Ummmmmm" I hesitated a bit

"Please don't tell me you want to break up with me" he actually got a little teary

"Nonononononono" I hugged him tightly.

"What is it then-" I cut him off.

"I'm jealous" I hid my face behind my hands

"Jealous of what?" Confusion took him over

"Ahh... Just forget it......"

"Nooooo hold up!! I didn't almost had a heart attack for nothing! Spit it"

"Imjealousofyouandmayuree" I said under my teeth.

"You what?" He couldn't hear me

"I am jealous of..." I inhaled deeply so as to finally get it all out.

He raised an eyebrow

"I'm jealous of you and Mayuree"

His eyes widen in shock...

"You're serious?"

I shyly nodded. I had never felt so embarrassed in my entire life.

"Look Lucas I'm so so so so so so sorry. I'm out of my min-" he cut me off by kissing me passionately. It was probably by far the best kiss i had with Lucas. It was so loving and it lasted longer than other times. He pulled away.

"I understand your jealousy because I spend a lot of my free time with her, but you don't know the full story.." He said

The full story? What is that supposed to mean?

I gave questioning look "And that is?"

"First of all Mayuree is dating Ten? You know him right? He is part of the basketball team" he explained. "Also.. We found out that we're cousins"

I was speechless. My mind was blank. Is this for real?

"And we have a lot to say so..yeah that's why we hang out" he said

Ugh why am i such a bitch? I hated myself even more. I should have trusted him. I'm an awful girlfriend...

"I don't know what to say... I'm just sorry... I'm a horrible person" I didn't dare to look up at him.

"Hey don't say that! It's my fault. You had no clue about this. I should've told you. I'm sorry" he apologized "Do you want to go out? Let's have some fun! Come on cheer up!!" He laughed

"Ok.." I smiled

This is why I love Lucas. He never fails to make me happy. I know I should not have been so jealous. That was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life and trust me I have done a lot of stupid things..

"How about going to the cinema?" He asked

"Sure lets go" I agreed.


I'll continue the date on the next chapter❤

Strangers // NCT - Jung JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now