Chapter 17

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"I'm moving to Australia" he blunted not even a second after I sat beside him. "I think...forever."
While saying this he wasn't looking at me. He was gazing into the distance. "And I'll say something I never thought I would ever say..." He looked straight into my eyes and I looked back at his. He sighed "I can't.." I heard him sobbing.

Lucas hugged me and buried his face in my neck. I was able to feel his tears running unconditionally

My heart broke into a million pieces. I hugged him back tightly. I tried not to cry. I wanted to stay strong. But... I failed.

I started crying too. As quiet as possible. I don't want to make him more sad than he already is.

I softly caressed his hair and rubbed his back.

"It's all good Lucas" I whispered

He pulled away. "The thing I wanted to say is..." He sniffed. "I think we should break up... It's not because I stopped loving you. I still love you.. A lot. Like A LOT. But I don't think a long distance relationship would work out... I'm sorry. I'm such a disappointment...I love you.."

I felt like dying. Like I was disappearing from the world. The pain in my chest came back. And it was stronger. So this is how being heartbroken feels like.

"I-I love you too". We kissed. We wanted this kiss to last forever. But sadly it wasn't possible.

"So... When are you planning to leave?" I asked even though I didn't want to hear the answer.

"Tomorrow morning" he said

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Is he joking right now??! Cause I hope so.

"And yes it's true.... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but.. I couldn't... I just wanted to make you happy" a tear escaped from his eye and he wiped it away.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"So t-t-this me-means that today... I-is the last time we see each other?"

"Yes..." He said

I let my whole heart out. I started crying. Again. But this time loudly. I wanted the pain to go away. But it got worse.

He back hugged me and kissed my cheek. We stayed like this for some minutes until he pulled away and cleared his throat.

"I have to go. I need to prepare my stuff."

"I guess that was it." I said

"Yeah.. We can still call and text if you want. As friends."

"Sure" I smiled sadly.

He leaned in and kissed me. Our last kiss.

"Bye" he hugged me

"Goodbye. Stay safe"

Then he walked away. I was staring at his back, wishing he would turn back. But that wasn't happening.

I stayed at the same spot for almost half an hour. I didn't have the courage to move. I just cried alone. That was the only thing I could do. Cry. All of the memories I had with Lucas flashed in front of me.

I slowly got up and headed home. My parents are supposed to come back from America today. I wiped my tears and put on a smile that looked happy on the outside but it was fake.

I unlocked the door and I saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch.

"Sunyoungg!!" my mom came to my direction and hugged me. Same with my dad.

"How was life without us for almost a month?"

"Interesting..." I said trying to hide my emotions.

"I'll go cook some dinner. I guess you are hungry." My mom said and went to the kitchen.

"Hm ok" I run upstairs.

I went into my room and sat behind the door. I was holding myself not to cry until I go eat because my family would be worried.

There were so many missed calls from my friends but I was not in the mood to answer.

I don't think I'll go to school tomorrow. Everything I'll see will remind me of him... And I'm trying to forget him. But it is impossible..

I hate myself for writing this but I needed to😭😭

And also, NCT's new song 'Chain' slayed my whole existence.

Strangers // NCT - Jung JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now