Chapter 23

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↑ O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D😍😍💯❤
Oh my god oh my god oh my god he's here oh my god.

Relax Sunyoung. Just relax. Take deep breaths. It's fine. It's all good.


I walked slowly towards the door and opened it.

There was Jung Jaehyun looking like a god smiling at me widely.

Why is he so pretty? Ugh stop it Sunyoung.

"Hey" he said

"H-hi" I blushed. Fuck.

"You ready?"

"Uhh yeah"

"Ok then let's go" he grabbed my hand and walked to his car. He opened the door and I got in and he did the same.

The ride was awkward. VERY awkward. We were silent the whole time. The only thing being heard was 'What is love' by Twice playing by the radio.

Jaehyun cleared his throat. "Um... Last time we met, which was also the first time, ummm you forgot your bag. Again. So I brought it back it's in the back seat" he said shyly

"Oh my god thank you so much I didn't even notice!!!" I said happily wanting to hug him but I held back.

"No problem" he chuckled.

His laugh is so cute. He looks so pretty when he smiles... He's hot too. Uhh I mean cute. Yes. That's what I meant.

An hour pasted by and we finally arrived in our destination. We got out of the car and started walking across the beach.

"So tell me about yourself" Jaehyun broke the silence.

"Hm what do you wanna know exactly?"

"Your interests"

"Um I like listening to music... And watching videos.. and drawing. I'm really lazy. But sometimes I workout too" I said proudly "What are your interests?"

"Well I'm busy with work most of the time... But i like hanging out with my friends. And I sing sometimes when I'm alone" he said while looking around the beach.

"YOU SING???" I said loudly

"Uhhh noooooooo... Who told you that?" He scratched the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly.

"Please sing something please please PLEASE" I begged him

"No no i don't want to... I don't why I even told you about it. Nobody knows I sing.."

"Ok now that I'm special one can you sing for me? Please"

"Ugh fine fine. Just this time because it's the first time going out together." He gave up.

He started singing. His voice was so soothing. So deep. I loved every single second of his singing. I closed my eyes to fully enjoy it. It made me forget about everything. About my problems. It was the best thing I had ever heard in my life.

He stopped singing but I wanted more.

"Wow...Just wow...... Can you sing me another song please???" I looked amazed

He laughed "Hahahaha no that was enough for today."

"Awww" I pouted.

"How about getting some ice cream? I have a friend working at a store here." he suggested


He chuckled "ok ok let's go"

We arrived at a small store. It was very cute. The walls were a baby pink colour and on every table there was a different flower.

"Yo Mark wassup?" Jaehyun said to a good looking guy behind the counter.

He looked surprised when he noticed Jaehyun.

"Dude!!! You're back"

"Yep. Business needed me here again"

Mark smiled and layed his gaze on me.

I blushed and smiled while looking away.

"Uhh this is my friend Sunyoung. Sunyoung, this is Mark."

"Hii" he said and waved at me

"Hey nice too meet you" I waved back

"So what would you like?" He asked

"Um I'll get a stracciatella and nutella ice cream." Jaehyun said

"I'll take the same" I said.

"Here you go" Mark said and gave us our ice creams.

"Thanks" I said and gave him my money but Jaehyun took them away and paid instead.

"Thank you Mark see you" he waved

"Bye guys!!" He waved back.

We sat to the table next to the window.

"Why you didn't let me pay???" I said to Jaehyun

"Oh come on Sunyoung! I offered to get ice cream and I'd pay for it. I'd pay even if it was your idea anyways but ok." He smiled

"Fine..." I looked away

"You're very pretty" he said and i chocked

Did he just???? Oh my goodness.. I blushed and covered my face with my hands.

"Stoooooppppp" i laughed..

"But it's the truth" he chuckled "Have your parents got back from America yet?"

"Yes actually a few days ago. Are your parents still there?"

His expression changed to a nostalgic one.

"Yeah... My parents have been way too busy to give me attention. Since I was little they were always working. We rarely spent time as a family." He smiled sadly.

My heart broke. How could someone ignore this angel? I held his hand and caressed it. "Aw don't be sad JaeJae... They probably didn't know your how you really felt."

Why the hell am I acting like this? I'm never this soft.. After I realized what I was doing, I quickly pulled my hand away.

"Hehe sorry" I laughed awkwardly

"It's ok" he smirked.

We finished eating our ice cream and went back to the beach. We sat layed down and relaxed.

The sounds of the waves made me sleepy and I closed my eyes, so I slowly drifted to sleep.



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^ I love my bias :")

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