Chapter 32

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I see the message. I look at it closely. My heart drops to the floor.

Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun. He sent me a message telling me that he likes me. ME. HE LIKES ME.

I honestly think that he might be joking. Maybe this was a dare. Or he was bored and wanted to play with my feelings. But that's not how Jaehyun is. Should I text him back saying that i like him too? Nah no just no. I'm scared. Maybe the text wasn't meant for me. Yeah that's it. He probably wanted to text another girl.

After a little while, I arrived back home. Jihoon was not back from the party yet and I think my parents are sleeping upstairs.

I sat comfortably on the sofa and closed my eyes. I couldn't take my mind of Jaehyun so opened my phone and looked at his text once again.

I heard the door unlocking and it was none other than Jihoon. With... With who?

"Oh. You're back already??" He asked looking a bit panicked.

"Uh yeah?" I got up from the sofa and looked at the girl.

"Oh right. Sunyoung, this is my friend Heejin. Heejin, this is my sister Sunyoung"

"Nice to meet you" we shook our hands.

"If you excuse us, we're going upstairs. See you later!" Jihoon said and dragged Heejin upstairs.

I smirked. My ship is sailing y'all. Jihjin is real. (A/N: i suck at ship names lmao) This is what I do. I'm interested in my brother's love life while mine is shit.


I heard two silent knocks on the door. Who could it be at this time?

I don't think I should open it. It could be a thief, or a kidnapper or something like that. That's what I always think but who knows??

I decided to get closer. To see whether I could hear something.

"Sunyoung i know you're inside please open the door." I jumped from the sudden voice coming from outside. And I started panicking when I realized who was the owner of the voice.

I slowly opened the door with my hand shaking a bit. I didn't dare to look at Jaehyun.

He didn't say anything. He just hugged me. I was left speechless. I believe he could feel my heart beating like crazy. Surprisingly, I hugged him back.

I felt lost in his arms. Is this how heaven feels like?

He pulled off. "I'm sorry I left you like that. Alone. At night. I feel so guilty. I just..." I could sense the regret in his beautiful voice.

"It's ok Jaehyun. I didn't know about this whole thing."

"They're only doing it when we have a lot of work. They want us fully concentrated."

"Yeah I get it. Your messages were sent to me after a while." I cleared my throat and looked down.

"Ah yeah.." He said and looked down feeling awkward about the one specific text.

He turned his gaze from the floor to my eyes. He pushed lightly my chin with his hand so as to look at him too.

I didn't want to. Not because I don't like him, of course I do. I'm just scared about the future. What if he returns back to America? What if I won't be a good girlfriend and cheat on me with someone better? What if... You know what? I should not be afraid. I'm not living my life like this. I have to risk it. And if it doesn't work out.. I'll move on.

I slowly looked at Jaehyun. I looked deep inside his eyes. I could see the hope I was looking for. All of this is what I was looking for. He is the person I was looking for. I could see it clearly now. All of it makes sense.

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