Chapter 29

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Meanwhile back at the party.

"Um is Sunyoung here?" Lucas asked Mayuree

"Yeah I think she's outside" she answered him

"I don't think she would like to see me so I'll just stay here" he grabbed Jennifer's hand and they sat on the sofa.

"You can go to the girl, I don' mind, really." Jennifer told Lucas.

"Nah it's fine babe.." He shook his head and Jennifer just nodded.

Jennifer is an understanding person. She won't get jealous in every little thing. Also she's very pretty. She's tall, not as tall as Lucas though, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She's half Australian, half Chinese. She met with Lucas at the airport, as he asked her for directions. After that they got to know each other better and eventually, they dated.

Some minutes later.

"......HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!" everyone shouted together and threw confeti in the air.

Jaehyun's POV

I cheered and clapped my hands. I look around and notice that Sunyoung isn't here. My smile slowly faded.

Actually, I haven't seen her since we got here.

I'm starting to get worried. Someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey man, have you seen a girl named Sunyoung around here?" He asked and I raised one eyebrow.

"Why are you asking?"

"Nothing... Just wondering." He scratched the back of his head. "By the way, I'm Lucas"

I was quite shocked but tried not to show it. "Jaehyun."

"Ok then, thanks see you around." And with that he left.

Wasn't he like in Australia or something? Why is he back? And is that his girlfriend? If so, why is he looking for Sunyoung? I've got so many questions right know. But the main thing is to find Sunyoung.

I send her fifty texts. I called her two hundred times. Still no answer. I'm worried. Where is she?

There is no other solution than look for her outside.

"Hey Mayuree... Well I had so much fun but I have to go, something came up" I explained

"Oh alright Jaehyun, thanks for coming" she smiled at him

"Bye! And happy birthday!"

Then I run out and get into the car. I drove away. Where can she possibly be?

Sunyoung's POV

I've been here for more than an hour. And I don't know the way home. Great. Thanks Lucas.

I'm not as upset as before. I'm actually pretty calm. But my anxiety starts increasing. I don't know where to go. As I'm processing that in my head, my heart beats faster and faster.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming from my right. I hug myself even more and close my eyes.

"Sunyoung?" A deep voice says. I know this voice too well. And i love it.

I slowly lift my head up. There he was. Jaehyun.

The moment I see him, I get up and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

"Why did you leave? I was dying of anxiety back there."

"You don't know?" I said weakly

"Ahh... I do know. Why? He got over you, you should get over him too" he said

"It's not that easy Jaehyun... Just- You don't understand." I shook my head.

"No Sunyoung, I DO understand. You're just still too blind by him to look at other people. And you don't care if others care about you. You were starting to get better and get over him. I never told you to forget him. You shouldn't. You shouldn't forget the good and even the bad times you were together. These are your memories. It doesn't matter if you aren't dating. So you have to talk to him. To clear things up. Now." He grabbed my hand and walked to the car.

I was too shocked about what Jaehyun said. That was the blunt truth. I'm ready to face Lucas.

Some minutes later we arrived at Mayuree's house again. There was Lucas standing outside all alone. I got off the car and approached him.

He was staring at me the whole time.

"Hi Lucas." I said

"Hey Sunyoung" he smiled. "Look I'm sorry if this was too sudden, but I decided to come here on last minute. Sorry for not telling you anything." He looked down. He just sounded very guilty of himself.

"It's ok Lucas. I just came so as to clear things up."


"First of all, your girlfriend is very pretty. And I wish you get on well with each other" I smiled sincerely.

He smiled too "Thanks Sunyoung! And please move on too. I'll get back in Australia tomorrow so the next time we talk, I don't want you to be single" we laughed.

"Ok I'll try" I chuckled

"Hug?" He opened his arms and we hugged. "Hope to see you soon again. Bye"

I waved at him goodbye and went back to Jaehyun.

"I can see that it went well. Right?" He said

"Yep. I think I'm getting better. Thank you Jaehyun, you're the best" I hugged him.

Because it was still early, we decided to to somewhere else. We parked the car and went to the near park.

We sat on the grass and looked around.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"For what?" He looked at me and chuckled.

"For everything. Without you I would not have cleared things up with Lucas. And I'd be more and more hurt every time." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well I just wanted to make you happy again. I hated seeing you like that."

I blushed at his comment. I think he actually cares. And that makes me feel way more butterflies in my stomach.

I think I like him.

And I'll end it here cause I'm the most cruel human being ever lmao.

This is my favorite Taeyong photo ever. Every time I look at it, I die. He's so fucking hot hfiksskskjdsjkswjsj🔥.

Anyway thanks for reading see ya❤ |•clds•| ;)

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