The Power of the Sky

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Now that she had everyone's attention, she would tell them the truth. Not the whole truth really but enough of the truth to have them all suspicious of each other and not Tyrion. She had a major crush on Tyrion. Always had. The fact that he was under three feet, and she was well over six, stood in the way of anything ever coming of it. So she had to fix that. Having done so, she was unsure if she would really follow through. Sixe with a holographic was done. Sasha did it all the time. Think of it, like using a really, realistic vibrator. Sasha had a point. Tyrion wasn't real...and therefore, sixe with him couldn't be considered an indiscretion. Could it? Kieron would probably consider it so. Sixe with Tyrion was off the table. She had to focus! She was playing this game to win! She had to get her head in it!

The scene where the Mountain bashed Oberyn's head into a bloody, hollow stump was ending. The holograph disappeared and everyone was stunned and appalled, and having seen this at least thirty different times, Steffana simply began her speech. She had practiced it several times. She hoped that she was making an impression.  

"Kings and Queens,"

She looked at Tommen and Cersie.

"Lords and Ladies." She looked at everyone else.


 She looked directly at the Mountain, stared at him for a while, and then with a swift turn and swooshing cape, (she was trying to be dramatic)

"Now that you have seen what would have happened, let me explain why I have stopped the carnage. I want to tell you all the truth. I want Justice to be served."

All eyes were on her. All was going as planned!

"Death would not have ended with Prince Oberyn and the Mountain, nor would it have ended with Tyrion's fact Tyrion would not have died. Tyrion would have escaped his death sentence."

With that Lady Steffana specifically looked coldly at Queen Regent Cersei and continued,

"While there are those of you who are obsessed with murdering Tyrion, regardless of who bears the blame for King Joffrey's death, there are those of us who are actually believe in concepts like justice...and would like to see it served. "

And with that, she rolled her eyes at Cersei. She hated Cersei, perhaps it was because Cersei reminded her too much of Gracen. And much like Gracen, Cersei had her reasons for beaing a cold-hearted baesh. But that didn't mean she had to liker her. Steffana continued.

"Tyrion did not kill King Joffrey, but let us now speak to those of us who very well may have...Let's begin with the Tyrells."

Lady Olenna Tyrell interrupts, "This is outrageous! We will not suffer such outrageous accusations-"

Steffana turns abruptly and thinks to lady Olenna, I know it was you, you outrageous old witch...and I don't blame you, but I am not going to let Tyrion take the fall for your machinations!

And upon hearing Steffana's thoughst Lady Olenna is stunned into silence. While continuing to gaze in Lady Olenna's direction, Steffana asks absently, 

"Now where was I before that rude interruption...oh I know the Tyrell's motives...let's face it King Joffrey was a monster, I know it."

Steffana motioned to the audience, 

"All of you know it, Certainly no one knew it as well as Sansa Stark.  And even, or should I say,  of course, Cersei knew it too, once Joffrey got that crown on his head he even threatened his own mother with murder...there was no stopping this sort of depravity."

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