Harry's Heirships

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Gringotts was dimly lit, and there only seemed to be a skeleton crew of goblins working the counters. Harry strode in purposefully, and walked up to a familiar looking goblin. "Hello, Griphook," he said nicely, placing his wand on the desk gently, "I'd like to speak with Ragnok about my inheritance test."

Griphook looked up, his mouth hanging open. Never in all his years had a wizard remembered his name. And when was the last time he saw Harry Potter? Seven years ago? He was such a caring and respectful boy, truly the savior of the magical world.

"Ah- Yes, of course Mr. Potter," he said, wiping away a tear that was threatening to fall from his beady eye, so he could inspect his wand. "Right this way." He led Harry through several long hallways, during which time Harry experimented with his new fire powers, lighting the tips of his fingers on fire one by one. It was very cool to be able to do it.

They finally reached the office whose nameplate read Ragnok, Director of Gringotts, and Griphook knocked on the door before opening it. "Mr. Harry Potter to see you, sir," he said before heading back to the front with a final, fond, misty glance at Harry. 

"Please, come in Mr. Potter," Ragnok said in a gravelly voice.

"You can call me Harry," Harry said as he stepped in and hip-checked the door closed behind him..

"Alright...Harry. You may call me Ragnok," Ragnok said. He pulled out a piece of parchment and placed it on his desk. "For your inheritance test you will need to place thirteen drops of blood on this parchment.

"Sweet," Harry said confidently. He transfigured a nearby pen into a pin and pricked his finger, then squeezed out the blood until thirteen drops had fallen on the paper. They sizzled as they fell, full of overwhelming heat.

After a few moments, the blood soaked into the parchment and after a few more moments, words began to appear. A few moments later, the words seemed to be finished appearing, and Harry picked up the parchment and sat down to read it momentarily.

Harry James Potter Inheritance Record

Mother: Lily Raven Evans

Father: James Dexter Potter

Child: Harry James Potter

Date of Birth: July 31st

Creature Inheritance: Phoenix-kin


Magical Core: Very Good (75% blocked)

Pyromancy (No longer blocked)

Occlumency (blocked)

Animagency (blocked)

Potionmancy (double blocked)

Dark Pyromancy (blocked)

Dark Occlumency (blocked)

Dark Animagency (blocked)

Dark Potionmancy (double blocked)










Mate: Unknown (must be discovered)

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