Fiery Feast

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The next day was the end of term feast. Draco and Harry and Blaise and Neville and Luna and Dobby, had planned everything perfectly. Dobby used his connections in the kitchen to prepare a very special meal for Dumbledore. Something Dumbledore liked very much, but would also be a big surprise.

"This dish is going to be making Dumbledore very surprised, me thinks, Mr. Harry Potter," said Dobby, with a knowing smile, "If you are knowing what I am meaning."

Harry gave a satisfied nod as he inspected the very special meal that was just for Bumblybore. "Yes, I think he'll find this hot dish, very familiar. If you catch my drift," he said slyly, winking at his beloved, who was Draco.

"Quite, Potter of mine," replied Draco, "I reckon this poultry will be of a sort Dumbledore has never tasted before. Though he knows it well." He said, sending a return wink back to his beloved back the way it had come.

"Indeed," quipped Neville, sitting in Blaise's lap, "I hope it's not too...spicy for him."

Blaise, who had had enough of Neville sitting in his lap, sat in Neville's lap and said. "Verily, I'm not sure he'll be able to...take the heat."

Luna, who was also there, said, in a very dreamy voice. "I agree."

They all nodded at each other, and headed up to the feast. Dobby carried the silver platter with the curved dome top thing up the servant's stairs.

The great hall was resplendent in Red and Black, as Vampirius had gotten more points than all the other houses combined.

The Gryffindors looked sullen at the Gryffindor table. All of Hermione's smarts and Ron's supposed bravery and Ginny's attractiveness could not get them enough points to even come close to beating Vampirius House's amazing performance.

Everyone clapped as Harry, Draco, Blaise, Neville, and Luna and Fred and George entered the hall. It was very impressive for such a small number of people to get so many points.

Harry paid them no mind, as he had eyes only for Dumbledore. But in a hateful way. His loving eyes were reserved for Draco, his mate.

Harry and his house-mates sat down at their table and nodded, allowing the feast to begin. The most delightful foods and drinks appeared on the tables. Except in front of Dumbledore.

Dobby entered from the staff entrance, carrying the fancy silver platter, a delicious aroma emanating from it.

"Mr. Dumbledore Sir, Dobby is preparing a very special meal for you," he said with a smile, laying the platter on the table in front of the evil old shitty wizard and lifting the top.

Dumbledore licked his lips greedily, slobbering all over himself as he saw the delicious looking dish set before him, and he immediately grabbed a leg and took a bite of it.

"Why, this is the most delicious pheasant I have ever had the pleasure of tasting!" he said, not even waiting until the food was fully chewed and out of his mouth before speaking. Some of the balsamic marinade got on his dirty grey beard.

"I'm glad you like it!" Harry said at a loud volume. Not shouting, because he was still very calm, but everyone could hear him. He stood up and slammed his hands on the table. Draco stood up as well, and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders. Harry didn't need back up, but he was glad Draco was there. "Don't you think it tastes....familiar?"

Dumbledore had already eaten the whole leg and was gnawing on the bones, sucking out the marrow. "Why whatever do you mean?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Harry, who he had forgotten was a threat in his senility.

"I just think," said Harry, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling. "That you should recognize the taste.....of your own Horcrux and phoenix, Fawkes!!!!"

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