Murderous Magyks

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The next morning Harry woke up, languishing in the morning light, the most restful sleep he'd ever had in his amazing life. Partly because of the amazing beds Vampirius house provided, but mostly because of the amazing dreams he'd had. Dreams of embracing his beloved Draco, running his hands across his smooth chest. Just the thought of it made Harry's blood run hot.

(A/N: This is what their sheets look like. Wish I could have these!!!)

Meanwhile, Harry noticed that his blonde-haired was also awake, looking spectacular in the morning light

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Meanwhile, Harry noticed that his blonde-haired was also awake, looking spectacular in the morning light. Their eyes met and a moment of intense heat travelled between their eyes like hot, wet lightning. Draco blushed sensually and had to look away as Harry's passion was too much to bear.

Harry smiled and made a show of leaving his bed, stretching and presenting his tight, Quidditch-toned muscular body for Draco to see with his secret sideways glances. Dressed in only a velvet black and red robe, Harry strutted to the nearest window to see the source of the morning's romantic glow. The light streaming through the windows wasn't the usual boring morning light. It was a deep orangey crimson, and soon Harry saw why.

Those dreams he'd had, ones filled with an indescribable passion, they had sparked more than just his need for his mate. The forests outside Hogwarts had burst into flame and slow sensuous wildfire was spreading throughout, no doubt caused by Harry and Draco's insatiable need for one another.

Harry posed at the window, the orange light caressing his chest. "Did you sleep well, my dearest Draco?"

Draco was in turmoil, overcome by sensualness. He looked away, or tried to. The draw of Harry's chest glowing in the firey glowing light from outside was like a particularly intense magnet, drawing his eyes back with such strength it felt like they might be pulled from their sockets.

"Yes," Draco admitted, his own robe parting to put his pale, flawless snowfield of torso skin on display. The warmth from the window was nothing compared to the heat of Harry's gaze, the figurative snowfield fit to melt and boil at any moment. "I had some...very *brave* and *chivalrous* dreams," he said, a sly tug pulling at the corner of his shining lips.

"Oh?" Harry riposted, sitting on the edge of Draco's bed. He leaned in, "I seem to recall my own dreams being rather *ambitious* and *cunning*." Draco leaned in as well, not able to think of a better setting for their first embrace. Dawn, the meeting of night and day. Like him and Harry, in a way.

They may have lost control right then, and embraced, giving into their deepest desires, had they not been interrupted moments before their delicate lips could touch and do a kiss.

Neville and Blaise stormed in, a look of distress on their faces. Something had happened, Harry could feel it.

Despite their alarm, Blaise and Neville were still wrapped in each other's arms, as much for support as for their fierce love for one another. They refused to break their embrace, even as they began speaking in unison.

"Harry, you must come quick. There's been a murder!"

Draco gasped, but Harry knew something like this would happen. It was only a matter of time, really. He put on a grave face and said bravely, "Show me," he said.

The four of them (Harry, Draco, Neville, and Blaise) departed for the crime scene on a matching set of brooms provided by Vampirius house. Three brooms as Blaise and Neville were sharing theirs. Brooms weren't allowed in the school, but who was going to stop them. Everyone they passed could do nothing but look on in awe, Harry's red and black trenchcoat flapping inspiringly behind him.

As they drifted into the teacher's area, they saw McGonagall guarding the door to the crime scene. As they approached, she only nodded solemnly, letting them pass. They were her favorite students after all.

Harry entered first as he was the alpha, and tossed his broom aside. It landed in one of many puddles of fresh blood. Blood everywhere. And in the middle of the sea of crimson....


Lying face up, his eyes lifeless just like when Harry saw him die last time.

Damn, Harry thought inwardly.

And in the middle of Snapes back, one of Harry's phoenix engraved katanas. Someone was trying to frame Harry.

Draco gasped shockedly, unprepared for the carnage before him. It was too much for him to bear and he pressed himself against Harry for protection and comfort.

"Who could have done this?" Draco cried alarmingly, tears running attractively down his formerly-slytherin cheeks. Snape was his godfather, after all, as well as his uncle and emergency contact.

"I don't know. Yet," Harry said, thinking instead about the warm, delicious body pressed against him. He was tingled by the feel of their body heat mingling together. The longing for his mate put a hard ache in his heart, his blood burning with passion.

Neville and Blaise were also overcome with emotion at the sight of the tableau of gore, and were also seeking each other's embrace for comfort. Their kisses were many, pressing each other against one red-splattered wall. Harry wished his two best friends didn't have to see this. Or...the three of them? Harry thought he sensed something, but this was no time for that now.

Regretfully, Harry turned his attention away from the precious body pressed against him, and back to the mutilated body of Snape, his face still twisted in a scowl of surprise and possibly....Betrayal???!

Someone was trying to frame Harry, but they hadn't done a very good job of it. So sloppy. If he'd wanted to, Harry could have killed Snape so much cleaner, better, faster, so fast that he never would have seen it coming.

It was time to see who could have done this. Harry stepped over to the body and used his expert level Legilimency to read Snapes thoughts. Harry was easily able to read not only his dying thoughts but every memory of his entire life, and every secret he'd ever kept.

"Ah I see." He nodded, suddenly understanding the former teacher.

But more important than all that, the person who'd killed him, and why they were trying to pin this on Harry.

"Mmm hmm. That's exactly what I thought. Someone is up to their old tricks again."

"Who?" said Blaise and Neville simultaneously between kisses.

Harry pulled his sword out of Snape, reclaiming it and wiping the blood off. "I'll tell you on the way. We've got some work to do." Harry chuckled smartly to himself. "I think we're in for a very interesting end of the year at Hogwarts

[[A/N: I'M SO SORRYYYYYYY (I know i keep saying that but I AM!) I've just been so busy with everything going on. But then I noticed it was Harry Potter's birthday today! So I did the best I could to write something special for today. Huge HUUUUGE smexy kissies to my co-auther crabmeats, who wrote most of this chapter. I couldn't do it without you!

Sooo ya, just know this book ISN'T DEAD! I WILL FINISH IT! Thank you thank you thank you thank you for all the likes and comments and subscribes. I'll see you next time, which will be...sooner than u think c;]]

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